Total Posts | Total Threads | Last Post |
General Autism DiscussionTalk about anything that has at least something to do with Autism, Asperger's, ADHD, and life. Other unrelated discussion belongs in the Random Discussion forum. |
1,557,347 posts | 84,750 threads |
Latest post by timfat 3 minutes ago |
Getting to know each otherLet's use this forum to get to know each other better. This is also the place to say "Hi! I'm new" and start as a new member. |
234,419 posts | 21,102 threads |
Latest post by kokopelliat Yesterday, 10:45 pm |
Autism Politics, Activism, and Media RepresentationAre you fed up with the misrepresentation of Autism in the media? Looking to protest? How about planning a campaign to spread awareness? Discuss the politics, activism, and advocacy of Autism and Asperger's in this forum. |
83,207 posts | 6,198 threads |
Latest post by funeralxempireat 16 Feb 2025, 5:49 pm |
News and Current EventsInterested in the latest news about autism or that weird thing they found at the bottom of the lake? |
349,615 posts | 21,626 threads |
Latest post by King Kat 1at 16 minutes ago |
Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological ConditionsIf you have Bipolar, Tourettes, or another condition, please make Wrong Planet your home! We welcome all neurodiverse individuals, with or without Autism! Have something other than Autism? This is your place! |
40,037 posts | 4,040 threads |
Latest post by babybirdat Today, 2:25 am |
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Random DiscussionFor non-Asperger's related random discussion. Talk about anything and everything not covered in the other forums here. From shoes and ships and sealing wax, to cabbages and kings! |
1,451,317 posts | 34,841 threads |
Latest post by travenat Today, 4:46 am |
Off the Wall: Forum Games, Quizzes, Roleplaying, etc.Do you enjoy anime roleplaying as your favorite action character? Do you like taking quizzes or just playing forum games? If so, you've found the right place. Use this forum to go off the wall! |
1,539,602 posts | 4,609 threads |
Latest post by King Kat 1at 20 minutes ago |
Members Only DiscussionThis forum allows more privacy than the other forums. Only registered members can read it. |
204,558 posts | 9,046 threads |
Latest post by alpackaat 45 minutes ago |
Total Posts | Total Threads | Last Post |
Parents' DiscussionThis forum is for discussing the various issues related to parenting children with Asperger's Syndrome and Autism. |
135,088 posts | 10,143 threads |
Latest post by babybirdat 14 Feb 2025, 5:14 am |
Love and DatingWhether you're a smooth-talking Adonis or a lonely heart, this forum can be used for discussing relationships and romance. |
609,792 posts | 22,039 threads |
Latest post by CockneyRebelat Yesterday, 9:27 pm |
The HavenFor those times when you're feeling blue and need to get a little help from your friends. Discuss all those issues that are not covered by the other forums in the Coping in life category. |
317,569 posts | 20,597 threads |
Latest post by Jakkiat Yesterday, 4:29 pm |
Social Skills and Making FriendsHaving Autism means you may not have great social skills, but that doesn't mean you can't learn them! Discuss friendship and social skills here! |
146,391 posts | 12,228 threads |
Latest post by cyberdoraat Today, 12:50 am |
School and College LifeHow is life at school? Talk about anything from grades, to classmates to your favorite subjects. Whether you dislike or enjoy school this is for you. |
54,725 posts | 5,634 threads |
Latest post by BTDTat 16 Feb 2025, 12:32 pm |
Work and finding a JobWhen you grow up you'll be put in a container called a cubicle. The bleak oppressiveness will warp your spine and destroy your capacity to feel joy. Luckily you'll have a boss like me to motivate you with something called fear. Discuss work and your job in this forum! |
73,641 posts | 8,027 threads |
Latest post by shortfatbalduglymanat Yesterday, 7:13 pm |
Health, Fitness, and SportsDo you have a healthy diet? Are you a tennis pro or is trying to find photographs of Anna Kournikova the extent of your interest in sports? Can you bench press? Do you know the meaning of pain? How many pushups can you do? Drop and give me 50... |
58,333 posts | 5,658 threads |
Latest post by alpackaat 30 minutes ago |
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Games and Video GamesAre you the next Bobby Fischer or are you more of a Garry Kasparov? Do you have what it takes to battle Deep Blue and win every time? When you visit Las Vegas do you count cards in order to cheat casinos out of their money? |
97,872 posts | 7,201 threads |
Latest post by funeralxempireat Yesterday, 10:11 pm |
Television, Film, and VideoDo you feel like you know your way around the X-Files better than Mulder does? Do you love The Simpsons, or are you more of a Family Guy? Discuss TV, Entertainment, and Fashion here! |
168,871 posts | 11,003 threads |
Latest post by King Kat 1at 21 minutes ago |
Art, Writing, and MusicAre you the next Picasso, Beethoven or Shakespeare or do you only think you are? Is your creativity a portal? Do you express yourself artistically or enjoy such expression from others? Done something crafty and want to share it? Post it here! |
219,986 posts | 11,195 threads |
Latest post by travenat Today, 1:20 am |
Computers, Math, Science, and TechnologyAre you passionate about science, math, or computers? Do you pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own device drivers, or when women were women and punched cards into submission? If so, this is the forum for you! Talk about FreeBSD, Linux, Macintosh OS X, OS/2 Warp, and that operating system from Redmond. |
103,440 posts | 9,192 threads |
Latest post by kokopelliat 13 minutes ago |
Politics, Philosophy, and ReligionReligion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern. Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it, and then misapplying the wrong remedies. Philosophy is just a hobby. You can't open a philosophy factory. Discuss Religion, Politics, and Philosophy here. |
816,387 posts | 23,837 threads |
Latest post by aghogdayat Today, 4:04 am |
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Adult Autism is a family friendly site, but there are sometimes Autism and Asperger's issues that go beyond the scope of family appropriate topics. This forum has hidden content and can only be viewed by members over 17. To participate, make sure you've entered a birthday in your profile. |
358,702 posts | 8,588 threads |
Latest post by Edna3362at Yesterday, 1:27 pm |
Women's DiscussionThis is a place where women can feel safe to be themselves. "Having a male gynecologist is like going to an auto mechanic who doesn't own a car." |
66,789 posts | 3,063 threads |
Latest post by ArticVixenat Yesterday, 11:13 pm |
In-Depth Adult Life DiscussionIn-depth intelligent discussion for the older adults who have been living independently. It's recommended that you are age 30 and up and have the experience of living independently or in long-term partnerships. Adults younger than 30 can participate but we ask that you respect the maturity level of this forum. |
57,839 posts | 2,979 threads |
Latest post by ALADDIN_1978at Yesterday, 1:52 am |
Adolescent Autism ForumThe place for teens and young adults to discuss anything and long as it doesn't belong in the Mature Forum :) |
37,158 posts | 2,355 threads |
Latest post by funeralxempireat 14 Feb 2025, 3:14 pm |
Kids' CraterA place just for you kids! |
9,715 posts | 835 threads |
Latest post by Sillylilgooberat 26 Sep 2024, 11:22 am |
LGBT DiscussionAre you a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender autistic? Discuss issues related to autism and being LGBTQ in this forum. |
23,215 posts | 1,860 threads |
Latest post by pawelk1986at Yesterday, 3:24 am |
Total Posts | Total Threads | Last Post | discussionHave a question about the site? Found a bug? Have any suggestions? Post your issues, questions, and ideas in this forum. |
65,465 posts | 5,375 threads |
Latest post by Cornflakeat 15 Feb 2025, 9:49 am |
StatsThe stats forum contains statistical information about our community. |
11,462 posts | 310 threads |
Latest post by Carbonhaloat 16 Feb 2025, 4:35 pm |
Total Posts | Total Threads | Last Post |
Español, Nederlands, Deutsch, FrançaisForum pour les Aspies francophones. Forum für deutsches Aspies. Foro para Aspies español. |
11,176 posts | 485 threads |
Latest post by Erewhonat 23 Jan 2025, 4:09 am |