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 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: ADHD medication

 Post subject: Re: ADHD medication
Posted: Today, 1:06 pm 

Replies: 12
Views: 5,616

In what manner do you believe it could cause impairment? I could see intoxication leading to impaired judgment, but someone taking it as prescribed wouldn't be dosed heavily enough to be intoxicated. A therapeutic dose is intended to be too little to cause intoxication in the patient, but additiona...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: MAGA laws against libraries under fire

Posted: Today, 12:54 pm 

Replies: 8
Views: 138

Why couldn't the GOP stick with its Bush-era platform? Why their fixation on populism? Even conservatives can see through the GOP's old platform, so pivoting from neo-conservatism to a paleo-conservative and populist platform is an attempt to respond to their concerns without addressing the root is...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Why do you guys hate Elon Musk?

Posted: Today, 12:51 pm 

Replies: 231
Views: 26,758

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: Wrong Answers Only

 Post subject: Re: Wrong Answers Only
Posted: Today, 12:26 pm 

Replies: 5,656
Views: 136,269

It's in Smarch, known for it's lousy Smarch weather.

If we are all made of stars, why aren't we brighter?

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Love You All

 Post subject: Re: Love You All
Posted: Today, 12:10 pm 

Replies: 8
Views: 195

Reciprocated. :heart:

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: How come some people achieve success in their 20s/30s?

Posted: Today, 12:01 pm 

Replies: 8
Views: 96

How? Having wealthy and supportive families helps; most of these so called "self made" millionaires were never poor! 100%. They mythologize themselves like they went from being a pauper to having a kingdom, when scratching the surface tends to reveal it's more like they started with a mod...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Why do you guys hate Elon Musk?

Posted: Today, 11:56 am 

Replies: 231
Views: 26,758

Running two companies isn't impressive? There's plenty of do-nothing and do-nothing but causes crises the underlings have to fix CEOs out there. It's not that impressive to be that kind of CEO at multiple companies. All the real work is being done by other people, he just basks in the credit. How e...

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: Do you buy expensive things?

Posted: Today, 11:51 am 

Replies: 48
Views: 1,372

BTDT wrote:
I buy expensive cuts of meat like ribeye and filet mignon.

I just wish there was a cut with the flavour of eye round and the tenderness of tenderloin (filet mignon). Of course it would probably be even more expensive than tenderloin.

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: How come some people achieve success in their 20s/30s?

Posted: Today, 11:44 am 

Replies: 8
Views: 96 Do great pop musicians run into creative gauntlet by age 30, and if so — why? [Note: For purposes of discussion, I made “30” the creative cutoff. But it could be 29, or 31, or 32 — the point being that musical creative talent diminishes ...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Why do you guys hate Elon Musk?

Posted: Today, 11:39 am 

Replies: 231
Views: 26,758

I know very little about Musk, but I'm certainly impressed by his acheivements, so I'd be inclined to give him a lot of lee way, should he display any oddities. One can't be both excepional and normal! His main achievement is buying other people's achievements and then suing to be made co-achiever....

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: Random! Random! Random! Random! Purple Monkey Dishwasher!

Posted: Today, 11:35 am 

Replies: 1,764
Views: 157,467

Pump jockey! Works for tips!

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What's on your mind right now?

Posted: Today, 11:32 am 

Replies: 45,370
Views: 1,375,981

If birds had moustaches would it go above or below the beak? Above, between the nostrils and the tip. But the nostrils are part of the beak, no? Are you proposing they grow hair from the beak itself? Because that's a tall order. Expecting birds to grow hair period is a tall order, no? Unless the mo...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Love You All

 Post subject: Re: Love You All
Posted: Today, 11:19 am 

Replies: 8
Views: 195

Is that the love between a man and a woman? Or the love of a man for a Cuban cigar?

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Why do you guys hate Elon Musk?

Posted: Today, 10:58 am 

Replies: 231
Views: 26,758

Has it been discussed in this thread that he is almost certainly autistic? If that's intended as an excuse it might work more successfully on people who aren't autistic. Being autistic hasn't made the rest of us into stock manipulating con artists, sex pests, robber barons or sieg heiling far-right...

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What's on your mind right now?

Posted: Today, 10:53 am 

Replies: 45,370
Views: 1,375,981

babybird wrote:
It would be a beard if it was below, would it not


 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What's on your mind right now?

Posted: Today, 10:50 am 

Replies: 45,370
Views: 1,375,981

The bee hummingbird is the smallest dinosaur that we know of.
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