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 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What's on your mind right now?

Posted: Today, 2:20 am 

Replies: 45,224
Views: 1,367,482

lostonearth35 wrote:
Yesterday I went to the mall and ordered a hot dog meal at New York Fries in the food court. It was good, but I was feeling some guilt due to the restaurant's name. And then I just discovered that NYF is really a Canadian restaurant.

Same with Boston Pizza. :nerdy:

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: US Election Blowback

 Post subject: Re: US Election Blowback
Posted: Yesterday, 2:31 pm 

Replies: 53
Views: 3,625

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Capitalism is over. Now comes Technofeudalism.

Posted: Yesterday, 2:07 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 108

We're truly living in an era.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: PPR GIFs, cartoons, jokes, funny pictures, etc.

Posted: Yesterday, 2:05 pm 

Replies: 7,355
Views: 460,507


"It's too bad my old friend Jeffrey isn't around. He would have loved this!"

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Kemi Badenoch

 Post subject: Re: Kemi Badenoch
Posted: Yesterday, 1:58 pm 

Replies: 17
Views: 400

Why are conservative parties suddenly attracting folk who would be their natural enemy? there is nothing wrong with anyone having conservative values (my parents are conservative) but wanting to represent people in the UK where she must know half of them would like to see her leave Britain? Tokens ...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Was violence the norm in the past?

Posted: Yesterday, 1:01 pm 

Replies: 21
Views: 662

It might have been a massive part of how we managed to make it through to civilisation That part would have been brutal Parts of the Magna Carta still exist in UK law to this day. That's incredible really. But it's the formalisation of something that was happening anyway. Before Magna Carta there w...

 Forum: The Haven   Topic: is it abuse if he stopped

Posted: Yesterday, 12:59 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 114

If it is abuse (and I don't know enough to know that) then it would still be abuse whether he was still doing it if if it had stopped But discipline isn't abuse in itself I'd argue the older the kid, the more likely humiliation becomes a factor whether intended or not. A small kid and a teenager or...

 Forum: The Haven   Topic: is it abuse if he stopped

Posted: Yesterday, 12:55 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 114

I think this really depends on how one views corporal punishment. I don't really approve of corporal punishment, but I think it's a stretch to define it as inherently abusive even if it's not ideal to rely on it. If the goal is to injure or humiliate, or if it's done publicly, or if the motive is la...

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What are you eating?/Last thing you ate?

Posted: Yesterday, 12:46 pm 

Replies: 20,645
Views: 881,562

I might make spaghetti.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Was violence the norm in the past?

Posted: Yesterday, 12:34 pm 

Replies: 21
Views: 662

babybird wrote:
It might have been a massive part of how we managed to make it through to civilisation

There was a civilization before Magna Carta, and even after it was written, it only applied to one little island, so most civilizations existed without even being aware of John's Great Charter.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Was violence the norm in the past?

Posted: Yesterday, 12:29 pm 

Replies: 21
Views: 662

On the subject of John, it was because his acts of violence were so unsettling and outrageous that he was forced to sign the Magna Carta. Yes, all the medieval monarchs committed murderous acts but John did so with a fervour and a sense of impunity that suggests to me that he took particular pleasu...

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: Post something that made you UNHAPPY today.

Posted: Yesterday, 12:18 pm 

Replies: 33,568
Views: 1,276,807

I tore apart my router, no Miku. So much for her hiding in my WiFi. :(

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What's on your mind right now?

Posted: Yesterday, 12:14 pm 

Replies: 45,224
Views: 1,367,482

babybird wrote:
I'd hate to have a horn sticking out of my forehead

It'd be a nightmare just to do simple everyday things

But much easier to eat donuts while doing everyday things. :nerdy:

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Dating, with hindsight.

 Post subject: Re: Dating, with hindsight.
Posted: Yesterday, 12:06 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 141

gwynfryn wrote:
Playing hard to get is for self preservation? It's a lot more to do with scoring an ego trip, taking advantage of the male's more pointed sex drive.

This is one of those garbage-in, garbage-out opinions. Your premise is false, so your conclusions are doomed to be false as well.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: It’s Time to Prepare for the Fall of American Democracy

Posted: Yesterday, 12:04 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 121

I think they're right. A lot of Americans sold out their country for a red hat.

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: What song are you listening to now?

Posted: Yesterday, 12:57 am 

Replies: 32,278
Views: 1,786,980

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