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Forum: News and Current Events Topic: Are we at the edge of another pandemic? H5N1 |
jimmy m |
Replies: 393 Views: 26,642
The history of how Bird Flu began spreading in birds around the world. The virus is in a state of flux. The H5N1 bird flu virus first emerged in southern China in 1996 and caused large outbreaks in poultry in Hong Kong in 1997. The outbreak was controlled but not eradicated and resurfaced in 2003. ... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Greetings, I come in peace. |
jimmy m |
Replies: 16 Views: 664
I really appreciate this breakdown! Finding work in particular that can utilize my natural skill set has been something of a challenge, and I've done well at that in some ways and failed in others. At one point, I held a job where I was the only employee in that location, running an entire departme... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Winter is almost upon us |
jimmy m |
Replies: 218 Views: 6,814
This winter the snow fell about a month ago. We received almost a foot of snow. But the problem was that the temperatures remained cold for a month. The snow did not melt. My whole yard was covered with snow. I have a massive hill on the south side of my property and it blocked the sun from melting ... |
Forum: News and Current Events Topic: Are we at the edge of another pandemic? H5N1 |
jimmy m |
Posted: Yesterday, 1:14 pm
Replies: 393 Views: 26,642
Bird Flu is on the move. Everyone is concerned about H5N1 but other stains exist and one is H5N9. But my focus still remains on another H1N1. A Second Type of Bird Flu is Circulating in U.S. Ducks—What to Know A strain of bird flu never seen before in the United States has been detected among poult... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hello |
jimmy m |
Posted: Yesterday, 12:33 pm
Replies: 12 Views: 251
adpsquee , Welcome to Wrong Planet. It sounds like you are looking for answers. Humans are a much more complex creation then anyone realizes. This is because we have multiple brains. Some exist on the left side of our skull and others on the right side. So let me pass onto you the name of a very go... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Greetings! :D |
jimmy m |
Posted: Yesterday, 12:03 pm
Replies: 10 Views: 274
Anyways with that being said, how is everyone doing? I am doing O.K. I am 76 years old and suffered a massive stroke about 4 years ago. Its the type of stroke that people do not recover from. My heart stopped beating for over 5 minutes, and that caused a tremendous amount of damage. But everyday I ... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Greetings, I come in peace. |
jimmy m |
Posted: Yesterday, 10:42 am
Replies: 16 Views: 664
0uroboros , Welcome to Wrong Planet. Yes, I think you found the right place. You have described some of your traits and they fit. So let me answer some of your questions. You wrote: "I am not diagnosed autistic, but over the last few years through my own research have concluded that it is the ... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: My kind of planet! |
jimmy m |
Posted: 04 Feb 2025, 9:39 am
Replies: 9 Views: 165
Bjorn247, Welcome to Wrong Planet.
It is always good to have friends. So returning to a job where you have friends and people who do not create stress can be a good decision. |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hello & nice to meet you |
jimmy m |
Posted: 04 Feb 2025, 9:29 am
Replies: 16 Views: 301
@jimmy That is very interesting but I don't think that's it - I think I really overstated the occasional mood swings in my first post... I don't really have instability in my relationships (just haven't had many friendships, and none lost because of mood swings or sudden fancies), the mood swings d... |
Forum: News and Current Events Topic: Are we at the edge of another pandemic? H5N1 |
jimmy m |
Posted: 03 Feb 2025, 12:19 pm
Replies: 393 Views: 26,642
I came across another encrypted news article, so I opened it up to see what was inside. A conservation group in Chicago , Illinois says hundreds of red-breasted mergansers, a species of diving duck that typically winters in the Great Lakes region, have been found sick or dead of suspected avian inf... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hi, everyone! |
jimmy m |
Posted: 03 Feb 2025, 11:13 am
Replies: 10 Views: 144
JacobChu , Welcome to Wrong Planet. It sounds like you found the right place. Realize that you have some unique skills that others do not have. You probably also have some unique weaknesses that will sometimes drive you crazy. The secret in life is to use your unique skills to overcome your unique ... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: hi guys/book recs |
jimmy m |
Posted: 03 Feb 2025, 11:01 am
Replies: 8 Views: 193
Hi ferretliker67 and welcome to Wrong Planet. You are researching information about the condition called Autism and the structure of the human mind. I think you found the right place. Humans are a very complex construction much more advanced then what most people realize. That is because we have mul... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hello & nice to meet you |
jimmy m |
Posted: 03 Feb 2025, 10:38 am
Replies: 16 Views: 301
ReadingTheCurlew , Welcome to Wrong Planet. I think you have found the right place. There is a condition called Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) that may explain some of the problems that you are dealing with. When the stress build up in your body to a very high level, you body changes into an... |
Forum: News and Current Events Topic: Are we at the edge of another pandemic? H5N1 |
jimmy m |
Posted: 02 Feb 2025, 8:06 am
Replies: 393 Views: 26,642
A growing number of humans becoming infected as the virus mutates. Observations over the past 4 years.
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hi hi. |
jimmy m |
Posted: 01 Feb 2025, 6:49 pm
Replies: 18 Views: 267
For the past 40 years. I have two pets. One cat and one dog. I live in the country and my pets live outdoors. When one dies, I generally replace my pet with another. Most people think cats and dogs do not mix. But I train them to become friends. They have an incredible ability of smell. So whenever ... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: new alien :) |
jimmy m |
Posted: 01 Feb 2025, 6:15 pm
Replies: 16 Views: 341
aurora91 Welcome to Wrong Planet You wrote that you would like to have a friend. Sometimes it is hard to make friends. Sometimes we make a friend and they fly away after a few years. Some say they wish to be our friends but they lie. Over my lifetime I had two good friends they were forever friends... |
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