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Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Wrong Answers Only |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 5,274 Views: 105,081
Men . "IT" is raining "MEN". And it's a curse for being omnivorous, potentially carnivorous, and also eating predators AND prey alike, of all creatures great and small. If having more than 5 digits in each hand is a recessive trait, then why don't the majority of humans have 6-8... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Post a random fact about your room :-) |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 870 Views: 66,877
Maybe I shouldn't even own a bed. Because I sleep waaaaay more comfortably upright -- as long as my neck isn't supported wrong. Maybe I also need another extra set of pillow cases. My set bedsheets sets only has 2 matching pillow covers each. Speaking of bedsheets, my green bedsheets and curtains se... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Got Anything Random To Say |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 121,315 Views: 4,253,269
At the moment, I'm asking ChatGTP random stuff.
And it has some answers that interests me, which isn't common even with surfing with several search engines all day long. |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Confession Thread |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 56 Views: 2,456
I want to have a cat in the house but...
... I don't think I'm ready to be a committed carer of any pet.
And I don't think I'd be a responsible pet owner at all. I don't have a lot of confidence over the idea of being responsible for caring and living with animals. |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: What's on your mind right now? |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 43,680 Views: 1,260,516
Still contemplating about buying a new phone even if it's in the next 4 months. Option 1 - Get the most certain future proofing specs that I could possibly afford on the upper limits of my budget, with an enabled possible future modding. No need for optimization but it is possible. But it could be a... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Confession Thread |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 56 Views: 2,456
This year, I only have around a total of 500USD equivalent amount of savings. A large portion of that was either an untouched money since earning it from the pandemic or gifts. The rest is either my day job income or occasional allowance. Most of my money received and earned is spent on junk food. N... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Got Anything Random To Say |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 121,315 Views: 4,253,269
Is my current phone's brand and model a line of rugged or semi-rugged phones, or not? If it's the former, I had unintentionally brought what I had tried to intend to buy long before. :lol: If it's the latter -- then I'm just one of those non-abusive on tech "careful" users who actually kno... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Wrong Answers Only |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 5,274 Views: 105,081
Uhhhhhh... It's either any versions of the Chicken Song, or original My Way.
Why is break dancing called break dancing? |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: What's on your mind right now? |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 43,680 Views: 1,260,516
I had a paper cut this afternoon. It was my very first time I ever had a paper cut or injured bad enough in any way while being in any mall. It's just on the near tip of my left middle finger. And it was bleeding a lot. By a lot, I meant soaked through 2 bandages. If I wasn't so focused at finishing... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: Any of you not able to friends? |
Edna3362 |
Replies: 10 Views: 1,430
I can. But mostly I'm not interested unless I'm outright bored enough to go to them in my own volition. It's easy being a useful no judgement dependable person -- that creates more allies than friends however, it's easier to make friends with allies. But in the emotional sense? I gotta honor them, t... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Post something that made you UNHAPPY today. |
Edna3362 |
Posted: Yesterday, 12:47 pm
Replies: 32,891 Views: 1,191,576
A thought consequential enough for me to summon emotions. |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: What's on your mind right now? |
Edna3362 |
Posted: Yesterday, 12:28 pm
Replies: 43,680 Views: 1,260,516
I'm just very tempted to buy a phone that only costs like a fraction of the original price. But I have to stay firm. I have to play it safe. As for fancying thoughts of going further into tech practices... :( I don't know. How can I pursue it without any chance of practice? Sure, I hoard info and st... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Do you dream? |
Edna3362 |
Posted: 16 Sep 2024, 11:38 pm
Replies: 14 Views: 280
I dream a ton, including lucid dreaming. From my understanding, scientists think everybody dreams, just not everyone remembers them. I would know if I actually dreamed or not, whether I can recall it or not. The most glaring sign for me is that it's more pleasant sleep than my "usual". My... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: Social mistakes you've learnt from. |
Edna3362 |
Posted: 16 Sep 2024, 11:25 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 154
Nothing. Almost all of my mistakes are coming from having to deal with emotional dysregulation and overall having executive dysfunction unable to make up for my language processing issues. Anything else is explicitly explained to me, and how some of my household habits just sucks and how some of the... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: What's on your mind right now? |
Edna3362 |
Posted: 16 Sep 2024, 11:13 pm
Replies: 43,680 Views: 1,260,516
Suddenly I'm caring about security updates and all that privacy stuff. Well, I understand. Except I've been using a phone that has no OS and system updates since 2021. Just past a year since I've brought it. Then I suddenly care towards a hypothetical phone that there's no further updates in the nex... |
Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions Topic: Say Something Random: psychological Conditions Version |
Edna3362 |
Posted: 16 Sep 2024, 11:01 pm
Replies: 712 Views: 89,903
I also don't have substances that makes things easier to cope with. Most of which I can have long term -- it's acute each time, and it's short term at best. Like eating chocolate -- but no different than eating those crunchy snacks. But those are expensive and not very healthy, and sometimes for the... |
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