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 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: The Election That Could Break America

Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 11:14 pm 

Replies: 22
Views: 1,386

Isn't every election "The Election That Could Break America" according to both sides? When was the the last time that there was just a casual good-time election? Was there ever such a thing? Opposite of the truth. Ive been voting since 1972, and was aware of news coverage of elections bef...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: The Election That Could Break America

Posted: 24 Sep 2020, 6:45 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 1,386

Isn't every election "The Election That Could Break America" according to both sides? When was the the last time that there was just a casual good-time election? Was there ever such a thing?

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Are you going to vote in the US presidential election?

Posted: 24 Sep 2020, 6:36 am 

Replies: 50
Views: 1,917

No. I find partisan politics in this country repugnant and I have no desire to be a part of it. Furthermore, I've never heard a compelling argument for how my individual vote will effect the outcome of the election. When I ask, the response is always some appeal to emotion/guilt trip, like "sol...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: I hate the phrase "Evil Wins When Good Men Do Nothing"

Posted: 18 Sep 2020, 4:56 am 

Replies: 7
Views: 928

....That being said,in history whenever a people were against there government they have been able to overthrow it. Personally, I've never seen anyone use that quote to advocate overthrowing the government. They want to maintain the current system, they just want to win the next election. Damn, the...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: I hate the phrase "Evil Wins When Good Men Do Nothing"

Posted: 17 Sep 2020, 5:51 am 

Replies: 7
Views: 928

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." People sure like to repeat this phrase and its variants all over the place, especially during an election year (here in the U.S.). Here's how it reads to me: "So guess what? All the atrocities in history...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Everything is overcomplicated, especially what I love

Posted: 17 Aug 2020, 2:35 am 

Replies: 13
Views: 839

This thread is a couple months old, but this is on the same topic. My mother is an extremely kind, understanding and helpful person. She's also very good with technology and can usually handle everything by herself. However, for some reason, when I have a day off, she suddenly becomes helpless while...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: It's almost illegal to have conservative opinions in theWest

Posted: 07 Aug 2020, 5:07 am 

Replies: 127
Views: 5,736

...Example: Are you peddling homophobia? Then you should face social consequences. Because queer people cannot be asked to respect that position. People who care about queer people cannot respect that position... I agree with this idea. I have no patience with those who try to claim that lbgtq peop...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: It's almost illegal to have conservative opinions in theWest

Posted: 07 Aug 2020, 12:30 am 

Replies: 127
Views: 5,736

"Conservative" is a broad term. But considering that it's one of the two major popular options and millions of people openly consider their opinions to be conservative, no, I don't think it's "almost illegal" to have them.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: The problem of cowering to and enabling SJW's

Posted: 06 Aug 2020, 6:26 am 

Replies: 202
Views: 15,877

...How does something being a juvenile comedy stop it from romanticizing over policing? Perhaps not in the way for kids, but the movie Team America can easily be called a juvenile comedy and is filled with political statements. Ace Ventura is a juvenile comedy and has a heap of unacceptable element...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Rant about the scapegoating of non-voters, third party, etc.

Posted: 03 Aug 2020, 10:50 pm 

Replies: 18
Views: 1,088

...So even if I had actually voted for him, it would not have helped him in any significant way. Yet this argument claims that by NOT voting for either side, I helped him win? Not voting also helped him win because we have electoral votes. Half of the US citizens didn't vote. Clinton had more votes...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Rant about the scapegoating of non-voters, third party, etc.

Posted: 02 Aug 2020, 1:25 am 

Replies: 18
Views: 1,088

Maybe there's fallacy of the form ... "you're either X or not X". This thinking is echoed in the George Bush line and then Lucas was accused of mimicking it in Star Wars .... Similar to this, whenever I see these arguments, I always think of Gaston in "Beauty and the Beast" cryi...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Rant about the scapegoating of non-voters, third party, etc.

Posted: 02 Aug 2020, 1:22 am 

Replies: 18
Views: 1,088

If you vote 3rd party, you are helping someone win. That was how Trump won. They go with electoral votes so people that don't vote for either party and go for third, one of the upcoming presidents' gets a point... I can't speak for third-party voters, but here's my take as a non-voter: I could have...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Rant about the scapegoating of non-voters, third party, etc.

Posted: 01 Aug 2020, 10:30 pm 

Replies: 18
Views: 1,088

A facebook friend just posted a meme stating that people who don't vote for the candidate she likes, including people who don't vote at all, are actually voting for the candidate she doesn't like. This seems to be a commonplace argument these days. She even commented on it, “It's the truth!” So how ...

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: Display your Artwork

 Post subject: Re: Display your Artwork
Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 12:24 am 

Replies: 6,307
Views: 836,937


Thank you! Your encouragement is very much appreciated!! ! :) :) :)

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Everything is overcomplicated, especially what I love

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 12:22 am 

Replies: 13
Views: 839

^ Yes, I feel better talking about this as well. I'm not sure if it comes across, but I was much more agitated when I wrote the OP than I was when I wrote the later replies. In my online art communities, I've run across some visual artists who collaborate, but I'm not sure exactly how they do it. Th...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Why is everyone is psychic except for me?

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 11:29 pm 

Replies: 21
Views: 1,302

As far as the builder saying "I don't want to worry you," is he possibly just trying to cover all his bases? Maybe he wants to tell you in case it turns out to be something, but he also wants to be covered in case it turns out to be nothing?
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