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 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: Model Student

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 10:14 pm 

Replies: 17
Views: 5,604

A stuffed shirt is a prim and proper person who walks the straight and narrow.

 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: Model Student

 Post subject: Model Student
Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 8:30 am 

Replies: 17
Views: 5,604

From Grades 1 right through to the time that I graduated from Highschool, I was described by almost all of my Teachers as being the Model Student. I didn't have much interest in interacting with my Peers, so I just burried my nose in my books, instead. I must admit that I was a bit of a Stuffed Shir...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: People who let their kids run around in stores

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 8:15 am 

Replies: 47
Views: 4,936

Thankyou for all of your replies and opinions. Now I have many angles to look at this issue from. I would like you to keep your replies comming. :)

 Forum: Work and finding a Job   Topic: What is your Dream Job?

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 10:53 am 

Replies: 70
Views: 13,079

I've read a lot of books on London, but I haven't gotten the opportunity to go, yet. I'm saving up so I can go there in the Near Future.

 Forum: Work and finding a Job   Topic: What is your Dream Job?

 Post subject: What is your Dream Job?
Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 9:32 am 

Replies: 70
Views: 13,079

I know that I wouldn't get payed for this, but my Dream Job would be to dress up in some Pearly garb and help the Pearly Kings and Queens of London raise money for Charities.

What are your Dream Jobs?

 Forum: Getting to know each other   Topic: Be honest, how do I look?

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 9:29 am 

Replies: 8
Views: 2,942

I have no intention of trying to pick you up, but I think you look cute.

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Makeup

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 11:43 am 

Replies: 65
Views: 7,851

I make up for the Make-up that I don't wear with my Austin Powers suits :P

 Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends   Topic: A close friend - what is it?

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 10:17 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 7,682

A close friend would be somebody that I look forward to spending time with. For me to consider a person as being a friend, they have to be able to deal with my quirks. The person must be willing to me talk about my obsessions once in a while. For a person to be considered a close friend, they should...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Being Treated like a Child

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 7:47 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 7,359

I was forced to do to a job placement agency for peopple who are more disabled than I am. They believed in the concept of Job Coaches. They even asked me wether or not I would want one. I told the main boss that I like my Independence, though I wouldn't mind having someone drop in at least once a we...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: When did you first hear about Asperger's Syndrome?

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 7:35 am 

Replies: 44
Views: 5,258

My Social Worker mentioned it to me when I was in her office, back in 1999.
She gave me photo-coppied chapter to read out of a book on Autism. Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop. Those pages described me to a T.

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Why do people ask, "How are you doing?"?

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 10:18 am 

Replies: 59
Views: 9,972

When someone asks me how I'm feeling, I say, "I Feel Fine." since that's one of my favriote songs.

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Favriote Beverage

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 10:12 am 

Replies: 45
Views: 7,797

Another one of my favroites is Gin & Sprite. :)

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: What kinda music are you into?

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 10:04 am 

Replies: 36
Views: 5,674

I enjoy Oldies, Rock, British Punk, Brit Pop, Jazz, Brodway and Classical. I also like some of the stuff from the 1940s.

 Forum: Work and finding a Job   Topic: Advocates for AS Adults that are Discriminated Against

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 8:28 am 

Replies: 7
Views: 2,752

I feel that there's a great need for this to happen. I had a Job Placemant Officer who thought I couldn't read or write very well, just because I was in a Job Preperation programme and there was a mixed bag of high-functioning and low-functioning students in my class. Even though I have the ability ...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Is anyone else here from England?

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 7:25 am 

Replies: 74
Views: 10,426

I was born in Canada, but my Soul is from London. I'm not joking, either.

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Funnnnn

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 7:18 am 

Replies: 9
Views: 2,403

There's a topic on Laughter posted on this site. I prefer to be funny there, unless there's a light-hearted topic that I'm looking over.
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