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03 Dec 2024, 3:24 pm

I am trying to hang on to some sort 'privacy' by keeping my personal information on my own devices rather than sending it all out into the multiverse on that lovely fluffy white thing hanging in the sky ( a mega server ! )
I am constantly being plaguaged with instructions to enroll with the cloud, and problems with my account.
Can any of you tech' savvy people out there tell me if 'Cloud' enrollment is essential and inevitable ?


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11 Dec 2024, 12:42 pm

It does offer the advantage of being able to access your stuff from anywhere you are, as long as you've got an internet connection and the service providers don't let you down.

Me, I've only bothered using the cloud to familiarise myself with how to use it, never for anything serious or private in any way. I get a long way by carrying flash drives with me on my travels. A lot of programs can be got in portable form so more or less any Windows device can be used to run them. Flash drives are private as long as you don't lose them, and you can always encrypt things in case you do. Not that a lost flash drive is all that likely to fall into evil hands. Some individual might take a look, but they'd probably decide the files aren't worth anything, and reformat the whole thing. Even so, it's likely wise to refrain from putting files on there that could be used against you, like banking login details. Or if you must put such files on the drive, obfuscate and encrypt them to reduce the risks. All in all, probably safer than uploading the data into cyberspace. And obviously, it's wise to keep a backup of all your data elsewhere, whether the "original" is on a flash drive or in cyberspace. Drives can die.

Some programs these days are cloud-only, often as a way of getting users to pay a monthly subscription, so I just don't bother with those. It's very rare I pay for a program anyway. I just keep using freeware, mostly quite old freeware.


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11 Dec 2024, 12:58 pm

It is possible, I have my own personal cloud that is in my cupboard. That's where all my files live and I can access them securely from anywhere, and my calendar is on there. It also hosts a minecraft server and streams video and music to all my devices.

You can even host your own email server but I don't do that. It's easier to use something like Protonmail if you want privacy.

But to host your own cloud you'll need to learn about servers, relevant operating systems, cloud hosting software and security certificates and port forwarding and all kinds of exciting stuff.

I think, unless you were particularly interested in that stuff, you probably wouldn't bother.

Unfortunately, the tech industry has decided that the cloud is the way forward and they're going to push everyone to use it as much as possible.

Currently it's mainly files but increasingly processing will be done on remote servers, applications will be 'served', not running on your own computer. The goal, if you talk to big tech, is 'Everything as a Service' (EaaS).

You can resist for a while but eventually you'll be forced to comply!

The world is a big place where things happen almost every day.


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11 Dec 2024, 2:07 pm

everything is possible given enough time and money.

"airgap" "linux" "hardening"

One such article: ... mputer-use

If you are not really good with computers, or don't want the trouble . . . turn it off and read a good book.

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12 Dec 2024, 10:27 am

DuckHairback wrote:
Unfortunately, the tech industry has decided that the cloud is the way forward and they're going to push everyone to use it as much as possible.

Currently it's mainly files but increasingly processing will be done on remote servers, applications will be 'served', not running on your own computer. The goal, if you talk to big tech, is 'Everything as a Service' (EaaS).

You can resist for a while but eventually you'll be forced to comply!

I call it the Renter Economy. I'm hoping I've stockpiled enough vintage hardware to keep me safe from it for the rest of my life.


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12 Dec 2024, 6:59 pm

Auldyin wrote:
I am trying to hang on to some sort 'privacy' by keeping my personal information on my own devices rather than sending it all out into the multiverse on that lovely fluffy white thing hanging in the sky ( a mega server ! )
I am constantly being plaguaged with instructions to enroll with the cloud, and problems with my account.
Can any of you tech' savvy people out there tell me if 'Cloud' enrollment is essential and inevitable ?

In the beginning, there was life.  Before "The Cloud", before A.I., before the Internet, and even before personal computers, there was life.


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14 Dec 2024, 11:33 am

Not having room for a CAD station in my flat, I've considered using the cloud, but just how secure is it? The thoroughness with which I've been hacked lately, suggests the perps would find a way to screw with such work, too.


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18 Dec 2024, 9:44 pm

For privacy, it may help to create and use aliases.

For example, my real name isn't "Kokopelli" and I try not to write anything here that could be used to identify me. In spite of that, if someone were to compare my writing here with my writing elsewhere, they could surely tell that I'm possibly the same person.

I'm going more and more to using a different alias on each site. For example, my Facebook page uses an alias. I only opened the page so that I could check out the pages for a few local restaurants with Facebook pages.

My primary e-mail is through ProtonMail but I have a Visionary Account and can have up to 100 different e-mail addresses on it.

In the recent past, I even made two posts on the same web page with completely different aliases. One of the aliases is so nonsensical that it is hard to imagine anyone actually having that name since the first name was northern European and the last name was Vietnamese.

Also, note that it wouldn't be that hard to be "Thor Singh" on one site but with an e-mail such as [email protected].

My goal is to have a different alias for each of my appearances on the Internet.

Mix it up a bit and have fun and if you ever meet anyone really named Kokopelli, you haven't seen me.


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19 Dec 2024, 12:20 pm

Irony of using social media (that is: Wrong Planet) to talk about going off grid.
Just saying.

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19 Dec 2024, 1:50 pm

Fenn wrote:
Irony of using social media (that is: Wrong Planet) to talk about going off grid.
Just saying.

The site is social media, but I do think that it's often worth recognizing that there is a fundamental difference between sites like this where you mostly just see the posts that exist at any given time with full choice about what to look at versus sites like FB, YT and the like where there's an algorithm that decides what to push your way and it can be incredibly hard to find other things unless you specifically know to search for it.

In terms of the cloud, I've been increasingly moving my stuff over to my own NAS that then gets backed up to a computer that gets backed up to the cloud in an encrypted form. For a home user, that's realistically about the best I'm going to be able to do as I don't have the resources to have another computer set up to receive the backups in a different region.


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19 Dec 2024, 2:25 pm

Fenn wrote:
Irony of using social media (that is: Wrong Planet) to talk about going off grid.
Just saying.

On the other hand, if you use an alias that you don't use anywhere else and if identifying information about yourself is not posted, then it would generally be very difficult for anyone without the server logs to tie it back to you. Use a good VPN that doesn't keep logs and i would be much harder to tie back to you.


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20 Dec 2024, 10:25 am

"For privacy, it may help to create and use aliases." A minimum neccessity, but even then one can be traced through one's ISP, unless one uses Tails (which may do the job, but I've not been able to download it, even using the system at a convolecing home, or at this public library). Then there's the problem of handling payments (the ultimate purpose of my project) and paying taxes.

It looks like I'd have to go the whole hog, of changing my identity in every respect, and moving to another region (or planet...). Given how resourceful the hackers have been, I may have to just get a bigger place, work at home, and revert to using the postal service!


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20 Dec 2024, 11:10 am

Do you use a credit card? They know. Drive down the street? They saw. Send email? It never goes away.

Just assume that they know. Get used to it. Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of your mother.

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20 Dec 2024, 11:40 am

I suppose one concern about using removable storage media such as flash drives to access data from any computer (instead of uploading the data to a storage service) is that it can spread viruses more easily. No reason why you can't upload infected files of course, but it's difficult or impossible to get a virus into many filetypes. It's not particularly difficult to infect a flash drive though.

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23 Jan 2025, 4:21 pm

I doubt but there's several option of cloud who are pro privacy. Go to check in open cloud... they exists.

One of the greatest channel I follow.

Ah, the first enemy of the privacy are the socials and the big tech and the fintech... start with using a good Fedora or better a good Debian. Debian went created for this purpose. Then stop with socials. Use a bit as you can everything.

Use Gnu Linux alternatives as OS in your smartphone.

many free VPNs are available and are open suorce, you need to learn about.

You can use TOR as well as main browser, got a inner VPN too.

Check if your password went pewded, use 3 steps to access to your profile, share little informations you can, learn about rootkit, cover your credit cards and id cards with specific covers... a lot a lot stuffs.

Smart home only if by professional and avoid generic tools and use only highly certified, use private servers based on Raspberry Pi... if you can use only on and off bluetooth and wifi ones. Close everything when you go away. Never turn on anything useless. Turn off everything. Never never never use public wifi... never public wifi, never public wifi. Even bluetooth can be hackered and even easily than wifi.

Virtualize everything require privacy like bank, private stuffs... never use Kali Linux LOL. Encrypt and encrypt and encrypt... use external hard disk.

No small business rooted softwares such as Arch browsers. Never China softwares, learn how China works isn't racism.. if your chinese neighbour do the work is different.

Ah, delete cookies... useless to say, don't accept them never.

@kokopelli said the rest.

How I know this? My father is hacker.

"Before selling his soul to the painting, he didn’t see it was a caricature He doesn’t seek a pact with the devil if it’s an eternal pain And he lives on the edge between a flying castle and a world inland Now a shadow moves in Italy, stealing while pretending to be a parody Do you know a road, perhaps a secondary one? Gondolier, take him away"
Rancore - Arlecchino


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25 Jan 2025, 11:11 am

Depending on circumstances, the Cloud could possibly be the safest place to put your stuff.

The problem in my mind is that people fail to appreciate the physical reality underlying all this. One aspect is energy. Locals in parts of Maryland are banding together to oppose construction of a power line that will feed the server farms in N Va. that host the Cloud in "meatspace". But the power has to come from somewhere. This conflict could become a bigger threat to society than concerns about privacy.

My WP story