I am new here
Hello Jimmy, Thank you so much for taking the time! yes, I took the MBTI test a few years ago, even before I learned about autism (the little I learned). the result was that I am an INTP, and similar to you it explained a lot about me, my behavior, my past, and my relationships (lack thereof). and I had a phase where I was consuming MBTI content all the time and going into the stack of cognitive functions and the common behaviors of people of my personality type, fascinated by how accurate it is. when the content got repetitive I stopped. FYI, the internet was right about the meaning of GCC.
Yes, one of my main focuses at the moment is managing stress. I know I need better sleep, and I know I need to go back to exercise. excessive stress recently threw me off, my sleep is extremely irregular even on work days, and I haven't gone to the gym in almost a year. but I'll get back on track. I'm even trying breathing exercises, meditation, and I experimented a little with something called progressive muscle relaxation (introduced to the idea by ChatGPT). they all help, some provide immediate relief, and others like sleep and exercise are more sustainable/long-term resilience builders.
You wrote, "my sleep is extremely irregular even on work days".
Many years ago, a long long time ago around 1975, I worked a difficult job. I had to work both swing shift and graveyard shifts (4 p.m. to 8 a.m.), 6 days a week. Thus I worked over 100 hours a week. I did this for a year or two.
The way I managed it was I adapted a very strict schedule. I found a very unique hotel and explained my work schedule. They had a room set up for this type of work schedule. They had a room that was completely dark inside. No light could enter the room. Also the room inside was dead silent, no sound. So when I went to sleep, it allowed me to drift off and achieve a very deep sleep. It was the perfect temperature, humidity, quietness, dark zone. I accomplished a lot during that period of time.
So if your environment limits your sleep cycle, enhance it and work towards a better sleep cycle.
In terms of exercise. I am 76 years old and I can still go to the gym and swim a mile. I just swim on my back and use very professional flippers. It is almost relaxing. It takes me around 2 hours but I can enjoy it. But most times I just walk up and down a steep hill for an hour. I live on a hill so it is easy to perform this workout. All I have to do is walk out my back door.
So if you are finding difficulties with eliminating stress, I would recommend these two elements to get back in the game.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Ziggy Stardust
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 4 Nov 2024
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Posts: 36
Location: Western North Carolina, USA
Hello, and welcome to Wrong Planet! I have similar feelings of disconnect and isolation, and several other characteristics that led me to take several different AQ tests online. I have since self-identified as autistic, and after telling my wife, she said that she suspected it and her therapist did also.
Everyone here is very welcoming and accepting. I am glad that you found the site and hope you can get the support that you need here.
Thank you. I live in a shared accommodation, sharing a room with two others. I use earplugs, and everything else is conducive to sleep. It wasn't the environment; it was the stress that led to irregular sleep patterns, which makes it paradoxical. stress causes irregular sleep, and regular sleep reduces stress. It's like a battle between sleep and stress.
I've taken two weeks off and am staying in a room I've been renting so I can have privacy on the weekend. my sleep is regular again since there is no stress, I plan on making It the number one priority to maintain a regular sleep pattern. I can't see anything more important.
Sounds like you live in a beautiful place. I always find it commendable when people your age exercise regularly. I'll go back to work in two days. I plan on focusing my attention on maintaining a regular sleep pattern for at least two weeks, if all goes well, then I'll start exercising again.
Everyone here is very welcoming and accepting. I am glad that you found the site and hope you can get the support that you need here.
Hello, thank you! yes, I've noticed how nice people are in this forum. perhaps the world would've been a nicer place if everyone was autistic ... or 50% of people just for the sake of diversity
When I was a young teenager boy many, many years ago. I decided to learn how to swim. So I took a class offered in the summer at a nearby pool. I didn't really know what I was doing. But the class was free. The class consisted of about 40 middle age women and one young boy, ME. It was a strange class. It was called Synchronized Swimming. They taught me how to swim upside down, around and around. It was a crazy class, but this is my first step in learning how to swim. I became a fish.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."