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01 Dec 2024, 11:15 am

I did terribly in Grade 12. I know I could've done better. I got a 64 in English. My highest grade was a 79. My lowest a 50. I didn't even get on any honour roll. I just don't know if I should redo it now. I feel so bad about my grades. I got rejected from a program. I can't really go to university though as it would be high stress for me. I just want to prove to myself I can do better. I was really struggling in grade 12. Mental health stuff. I couldn't even participate properly. My IEP was one of the reasons I didn't fail some classes. I got a bunch of 50-55% grades.

I would fall asleep in class or just not do anything. I love to read and write. Yet I almost failed a creative writing class because I couldn't do it. I just don't know what to do. I feel ashamed. I was in classes where people thought they were "easy" and they would say things about progress reports that were posted. I got lower grades than everyone else it seemed. It was anonymous but they'd say "I can't believe someone got 55%". I am glad im not in high school anymore.

Mountain Goat

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01 Dec 2024, 1:18 pm

Elon Musk quit college as far as I understand. Other really successful people didn't have an education or had failed....

The education system (Those that do well in the system) tend to do best at teaching others to perpetuate the system... In other words, their minds work well in that way so the ones who reach the top in education normally end up teaching within the education system.

Learning is different from being taught, as if ones mind does not work well in the very structured education system, it DOES NOT prevent one from learning and developing ones skills.

One of the most intelligent people I have met (And I am not saying this because of who he is) is my youngest brother. Yet, he quit college after sitting through the first year, as he saw straight through the folly of the college he was in! He saw how it was a money making system! He said out of all the teachers (Lecturers) who were teaching him only two of them (Both were younger) actually cared for the pupils they taught, and the rest were only interested in the pride of their position, and couldn't care less of anything else! My brother has always been able to see through people!

Now Elon Musk is good at explaining how to develop oneself... Why eductation system does not work for some. The importance of failure, and learning from ones mistakes, and does not regard failure as a negative thing...
This is important. When I started making my own models, I had a fair few failed tries, BUT I soon learned that "Failures are the stepping stones to success!"

I highlighted that as it is what I learned.

Another thing I learned through experience is that qualifications are pieces of paper. They are NOT in themselves any different to a dollar bill! Think of it. The value of the dollar is variable, and can dissapear overnight if the dollar collapses. Qualifications are like that. One can study hard to get ones qualification. BUT some new much easier to get qualifications can take over (Or worse still, the same qualification can suddenly lower in standards in future years so people can end up with way higher grades after having hardly put in any effort, and overnight ones qualification is almost useless! Just a piece of paper or letters or numbers if recorded online. They don't in themselves mean anything!
Now look at the dollar. That goes up and down in the same way as standards go up and down. Also, one can work hard to get ones dollar (Or dollars) and the dollar can collapse making ones hard work useless!

So lets go back to what matters! (And Elon Musk and others are spot on in this). Ifnone wants to invest ones time and money into something so one has something of value, invest in tangible things. Gold. A house. Something physical that retains its value. A model car. A piece of jewelry...
Avoid things as an investment that drop in value or have no value in themselves. Modern technology. Good as a tool BUT useless in retaining its value, as new things come out and suddenly ones item has lost its value in either its practical value as a tool (As old systems can be deleted or superceeded, E.G. try using the internet with an early computer!), or may only have a nostalgic value. (The key to invest in this way is buy something when they are old but in low value, and keep them until they go up!)

But think of this... What you learn through experience, is FAR more valueable than a qualification, as you know things that others do not!

You have potential within you! You can do things and achieve hings that may surprize you! What is your hearts desire? What would you like to do? What are your dreams? You CAN DO IT!
Remember that if we don't try, we don't step forward towards our dreams or goals! If we don't fail along the way, we don't learn. If we don't get back up after we fail, we don't succeed!

So DON'T be scared to step out! Don't be scared to fail! (Value it!) And ALWAYS GET BACK UP, and plough onwards tonreach your goal!


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05 Dec 2024, 9:40 am

Agree with Mountain Goat 100%. Let this go. The grades don't matter. Finishing matters.

Go on to a program afterward that interests you. Maybe an alternative program or doing it part time for awhile would be a good fit. You might be surprised at how many people have this same experience and just don't talk about it. We all march on and we're all okay. It's embarrassing, but it happens.


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25 Jan 2025, 2:11 pm

When I look back as dropping out high school, parents freaking out....
What still bugs me is one mediocre guy (not bad, not good looking) used to socialise, have girlfriends and smoke weed, he never had grades suffer which is like um,
But life is mostly social skills, most jobs don't use half what learnt at school.
My latest theory is handful of genius that engineers and inventors and then 1000s typical methanics who regular guys that do have sex, drink, smoke weed. It's survival of species but misconception is that men are intelligent, um no.
Only 1 in 1000 has high IQ and 1 in 100 Ooo is genius