Whats your social worldview

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What's your social worldview?
Liberal 21%  21%  [ 15 ]
Communist 7%  7%  [ 5 ]
Capitalist 10%  10%  [ 7 ]
Extreme National Socialist 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
National Socialist 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
Cultural National Socialist 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Searching 6%  6%  [ 4 ]
Religious 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Monarchist 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Some ancient-traditional/cultural 6%  6%  [ 4 ]
No worldview 8%  8%  [ 6 ]
Other 32%  32%  [ 23 ]
Total votes : 72

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02 Mar 2021, 3:56 am

Substantially_Abstract wrote:
magz wrote:
I think the distribution of the answers suggests the set of options available in the poll is rather exotic for most WP members.
In particular, potential expression of some of the options would directly collide with WP rules.

Please accept my apologies: I kind of forgot the rules part of WP, because I was simply trying to reflect the general types of social worldviews I had seen so far around me. Oh well :roll:

No problem - mentioning a label is not a problem at all.
However, you can't expect people with openly racist ideology to last long on a site with openly anti-racist rules :mrgreen:

I think your poll tells more about people in your environment than about the resopnders :mrgreen:

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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18 Mar 2021, 4:40 pm

My social worldview is religious Christian and capitalist

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18 Mar 2021, 5:07 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Just weird that three of the options are nazi...

Weirder that social democrats aren't represented when there's three flavours of Nazi. I guess that just means unite the right has failed? :lol:

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25 Apr 2021, 1:41 pm

I’m a scientifically oriented rationalist and progressive who values and cares about the maximisation of freedom and individual liberty and happiness for humankind.
As someone who believes in human rights and freedom I am radically antitheist and anti-religious as religious ideology is the antithesis to all that I value and to this day stands in the way of progress and universal human rights.
Needless to say I am also vigorously opposed to political authoritarianism, totalitarianism and fascism of any kind.

“Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer

“The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.”
- Mikhail Bakunin


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25 Apr 2021, 9:37 pm

Nice to see all those answers!

I, myself, am still searching...

To all religious people here: did you ever have periods of doubt? How did you get through them?


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25 Apr 2021, 9:52 pm

Also, to Skjald:

Yes, I definitely see, how much guilt and needless restrictions religion may impose, which is why I too, have periods of doubt..
But then, I see, that, if viewed in a certain way it may unite people, open their eyes to their imperfections and give hope. Also, even if you think you have a high sense of morality, there are some situations, in which, without Jesus, it may be hard for you to see and do the right thing...

Sometimes, I wonder, if people have modified the way God had meant us to live...

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26 Apr 2021, 10:31 am

Substantially_Abstract wrote:
Also, to Skjald:

But then, I see, that, if viewed in a certain way it may unite people, open their eyes to their imperfections and give hope.

Yeah, totalitarian ideologies unite people in their rally and hate against those who do not follow the ideology and are deemed their enemies or unwanted and they always promise people salvation in return for submission to the ideology aka give them hope.

Do you know what also united certain groups of people and gave many people in a beaten, humiliated nation hope after WWI? National Socialism! Fascism! The ideology and the NSDAP really understood it to create a sense of unity and a feeling of togetherness and belonging within the people. They knew how to give them hope, promise them salvation and prosperity if they only submitted to their fascist ideology and followed along. Neo-Nazis still operate by using this to recruit people for their ideology today.

Are you going to argue in favour of Nazi ideology too now? Because this factor applies to their ideology just as much! If you are not going to and still think Nazi ideology is reprehensible (assuming you did think that) even though it units people and gives them hope this argument is worth nothing as an attempt to prove why an ideology, in this case religious ideologies, would be beneficial.

Also, even if you think you have a high sense of morality, there are some situations, in which, without Jesus, it may be hard for you to see and do the right thing...

I can tell what is just and ethical and what isn’t perfectly fine without your bloody Jesus, so how about you keep your Jesus and Bible to yourself, thanks. I absolutely have no need for your medieval, totalitarian, inhumane, barbarian, disgusting ideology with an invisible sky daddy to dictate me how I am supposed to live my life in accordance to what the people who made that s**t up centuries ago as a tool to rule over the masses deemed right and wrong.

I would even argue that religion corrupts people, makes them do the most unethical and immoral things and leads them to commit unbelievable atrocities while deeming them morale, justified and gods work and see it as themselves living in accordance to their religious insanity, pardon, ideology. The body count of religious ideologies throughout history and today is enormous!

So telling me that without Jesus people wouldn’t be capable to know what’s right while religious folks committ most disgusting crimes is laughable and absolutely ridiculous not to mention factually incorrect. Actually without the indoctrination of religious ideologies people would be way better off and more capable to tell right from wrong and truth from fiction and how to think and live freely for themselves and would actually understand that burning so called witches, killing the infidels during crusades or jihads, throwing gay people from the roof top or putting them into concentration camps and stoning women to death who refuse to marry their rapist is certainly not ethical nor is it morale.


Sometimes, I wonder, if people have modified the way God had meant us to live...

God had meant you to live in no particular way because he doesn’t exist! People didn’t modify the way god wanted you to live they pulled god out of their arses and made him and all those ideologies up to rule and control the masses and find a convenient answer for what they were to primitive and underdeveloped to understand and explain correctly back then!
You are a product of evolution, the entire human species is. Deal with it!

“Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer

“The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.”
- Mikhail Bakunin


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03 Aug 2021, 4:32 pm

Substantially_Abstract wrote:
See poll below: what is your social worldview?
1. Liberal
2. Communist
3. Capitalist
4. Extreme National Socialist (against any race-mixing, and hates some race)
5. National Socialist (against any race-mixing but doesn't hate any race)
6. Cultural National Socialist (believes everyone should choose their most prominent side and just stay true to it
7. Searching
8. Religious
9. Monarchist
10. Some ancient-traditional/cultural
11. No worldview
12. Other

I voted 'OTHER' in the polls - that is I feel that I'm a left-leaning Centrist- yet I'd sometimes consider reaching across the aisle to right-leaning Centrists - provided that these right-leaning Centrists find it important to reach across the aisle once in a while!


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03 Aug 2021, 4:36 pm

So when is "Social Democrat" getting added to the list?


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11 Aug 2021, 7:52 pm

I had to select other because neither “Social Democrat” nor “Democratic Socialist” are options.

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18 Jun 2022, 3:57 am

I am Christian Communist but I think the economy should be organized the capitalist way and However I am against the notion of private property from a Acts 2 and Acts 4 perspective but I think giving up property except with taxes should be voluntary.The Christian Right and Libertarian are also my worldviews too.I believe in Extreme Capitalism like the Gilded Age Era


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23 Jun 2022, 6:49 am

I'm not really sure what term my world view is because people use the terms differently. I would guess I'm somewhat of a cross between Communist & Anarchist which I know sounds like an oxymoron depending on what meanings your thinking. I'm extremely anti-Capitalism & believe lots of essential goods & services should be ran & managed by the government or groups of individuals who care about the public access & common good instead of big businesses trying to exploit their customers & make the highest profits they can at the expense of the poor consumers who have no choice but to pay exuberant prices to access the goods & services from them which sounds like the original meaning of Communism. I'm also very anti-Authoritarian & strongly support individual rights & freedoms & believe that adults should have the right to make their own choices & decisions about what to do or not do as long as they are not directly harming anyone else & I also believe that the laws, rules, & types of people in power should be the same everywhere instead of different areas having different types of people in charge & very different policies that treat different groups very differently which sounds kinda like a meaning of Anarchy.

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11 Dec 2022, 7:45 pm

JustFoundHere wrote:
Substantially_Abstract wrote:
See poll below: what is your social worldview?
1. Liberal
2. Communist
3. Capitalist
4. Extreme National Socialist (against any race-mixing, and hates some race)
5. National Socialist (against any race-mixing but doesn't hate any race)
6. Cultural National Socialist (believes everyone should choose their most prominent side and just stay true to it
7. Searching
8. Religious
9. Monarchist
10. Some ancient-traditional/cultural
11. No worldview
12. Other

I voted 'OTHER' in the polls - that is I feel that I'm a left-leaning Centrist- yet I'd sometimes consider reaching across the aisle to right-leaning Centrists - provided that these right-leaning Centrists find it important to reach across the aisle once in a while!

My personal worldview has similarities to the late Leonard Cohen's 1989 song 'Democracy' - a seven minute song which remains timely to this day.

EXCERPT to song especially stands-out:

I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean.
I love the country [America] but I can't stand the scene.
And I'm neither left or right.
I'm just staying home tonight.
Getting lost in that hopeless little [TV] screen.



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11 Dec 2022, 8:26 pm

^^^^^^^That seems pretty easy to identify with. :D :D :D ^^^^^^^

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07 Sep 2023, 1:53 am

Hmm, why do this poll's options include three distinct flavors of "national socialism," but no subcategories of anything more mainstream? Also I notice that this poll generally includes a lot more right-wing options than left-wing options.

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11 Aug 2024, 10:20 pm

I don't have a social worldview.

Does 'play along optional' count?

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