Thanks for the perspective bb, that's really useful.
I don't think of her as shy. If someone speaks to her she's really eloquent and forthcoming but she doesn't want anyone to comment on what she's wearing, like if someone said "That's a really nice dress" or something, she'd be mortified.
She has her hair short because she can't stand having it brushed, tied or clipped up (which is required at school) and people often mistake her for a boy. She hates that, but her clothing choices compound the problem.
It does make me a bit sad because she used to wear some really cool little outfits, particularly in summer. But that's my problem, not hers.
I'd not considered agoraphobia. Have you always had that or did it develop? It has always been a pain getting her to leave the house. She's usually fine once we're out, it's the transition that's the problem. Is that how agoraphobia works?
Quite often when we're out she talks non-stop about stuff, compulsive talking. Paticularly if we're out in the woods. It's like she finds it overwhelming and tries to block it out with gabber.
Anyway, I'm wall-of-texting again. Thanks again for the thoughts.
Raspberry coulis. You know it makes sense. I mean, it doesn't make sense sense but it beats a surfeit of lampreys.