chris1989 wrote:
I am well aware of being born in a country which had the biggest empire in the world and enslaved peoples of other countries but there seems to be a part of me that should feel ''bad'' for the fact that I was born in a country that became rich and powerful from imperialism and colonialism having hearing a lot in the news, in documentaries, social media and so on and calls for reparations for the slave trade but there the seems to be just as many arguments from lots of people including the royal family who time and again don't apologise but continue to explain that yes it was absolutely appalling but the past was the past and that it was the ''norm'' in those days and we shouldn't put today's modern standards on the standards of the past.
I even seem to feel as though in the eyes of other countries, we the West (the UK, the US, France etc) are the real villains whereas the ''bad guys'' in our eyes seem to be Russia, Iran, North Korea etc and it feels we are to blame for a lot of things not just the empires but the Bengal Famine, the creation of the state of Israel and the Palestinians losing their lands, the war in Iraq and so on. I even remember a line of someone in a film I saw called Anthropoid starring Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan as Czech agents sent to assassinate the Nazi Reinhard Heydrich during World War Two, who objected at first to their plan to assassinate Heydrich and said ''It was the Allies who gave us to the Germans in the first place.'' I don't want to come across as a self hating British person but its hard not to feel that way when we are perhaps more aware now about the wrong-doings of our past than perhaps we did before and I do think we should read about these things just as much as we learn about the positive things we have done.
In the West, modern people are indoctrinated today to hate their country and hate their skin color (if white). It is what is taught in the schools and discussed in the media and social media.
Meanwhile, in China, the situation is the opposite. In general, the Chinese love their country and believe themselves superior. I believe in Russia, it is the same.
The chessboard is set up for a game between the sides, and there is one side convinced not only that it will lose, but that it deserves to lose, for the sins of its past. Because it was not perfect in every way at every moment in time.
My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things:
chess, and
dungeon crawl stone soup.