Survey finds significant antisemitism among hiring managers

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25 Nov 2022, 3:11 pm

29% say antisemitism acceptable in workplace, new survey finds

Quote: surveyed 1,131 hiring managers in November, asking them about their views of Jewish individuals and their perspectives on antisemitism in the workplace.

Their survey showed that 26% of hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants. When asked why, 38% said that "Jews have too much power and control," which is also tied to another 38% who said, "Jews claim to be the 'chosen people.'"

A few of the other "reasons" were that "Jews have too much wealth", "Jews are greedy", "Jews killed Jesus," and many other antisemitism responses, according to the ResumeBuilder survey.

In regards to antisemitism among existing workers, 33% said that antisemitism is frequent and 29% said that antisemitism is acceptable within the company they work for.

"This data shows a disturbing number of hiring managers not only admit to having a negative bias against Jewish applicants but also, that they actively want to keep Jews out of their workplace," Stacie Haller, executive recruiter and career counselor said.

In this era of fighting for equality in hiring, Jewish individuals have largely been left out of the conversation and the issue of antisemitism has, for the most part, gone unaddressed.

The survey began by asking if the survey taker was a recruiter, hiring manager, not involved in hiring employees and none of the above.

It then goes in asking which industry the person works in—agriculture, business, construction etc.

The third question on the survey kicks things off by questioning the workplace and antisemitism in the hiring process. "Which of the following, if any, are ways that you come to believe that an applicant is Jewish? Their last name; directly stated by the applicant; their educational background; the applicant has past or current experience with a Jewish organization; their appearance; none of the above; other." The rest of the survey questions are very similar.

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26 Nov 2022, 1:12 am

I straight up don't believe this, if only because no one admits to that short of straight forward prejudice these days.

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26 Nov 2022, 4:32 am

Dox47 wrote:
I straight up don't believe this, if only because no one admits to that short of straight forward prejudice these days.

You mean like all-white people are privileged racists?

Actually, my first reaction was the same as yours. But then there have been a lot of people publically talking trash about Jews and this survey was taken this month. And then there is this.
Wrong Planet Thread - Open Season in openly New York City Jews

The survey also found that there appeared to be more prejudice in specific sectors: business, construction, education, entertainment, finance, and technology

Business, finance, and construction are where you arguably would see the traditional prejudices. Education, entertainment, and technology would seem to disprove the results Jews are heavily if not overrepresented in those industries. There is traditional resentment against over-represented groups. Wokeism is influential in these industries. There is the whole Jews are white adjacents selling out for white privilege part of wokeism.

Obviously, this needs further and broader study. But I can't dismiss the possibility that I am in denial in part because I saw nothing like this in my bubble. My bubble is when I was in the workforce was by far the best time and place for diaspora Jews. Things change and history on this matter is not good.

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26 Nov 2022, 7:53 pm

I mean I have to be skeptical about this data as well.

Aren't the majority of Jews in the US non-secular? I mean do employers really care unless the person is an orthodox jew who is visibly different?


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27 Nov 2022, 4:31 am

cyberdad wrote:
I mean I have to be skeptical about this data as well.

Aren't the majority of Jews in the US non-secular? I mean do employers really care unless the person is an orthodox jew who is visibly different?

The third question on the survey kicks things off by questioning the workplace and antisemitism in the hiring process. "Which of the following, if any, are ways that you come to believe that an applicant is Jewish? Their last name; directly stated by the applicant; their educational background; the applicant has past or current experience with a Jewish organization; their appearance; none of the above; other." The rest of the survey questions are very similar.

These reasons are stupid and illogical but that is how prejudice works.

Among many anytime a white person abuses or acts violently toward a black person it is assumed the white person is acting out of racism, or is a MAGA etc. Unless a person is a open MAGA or the tweet is so obviously anti Jewish it can’t be ignored it will be downplayed. Charlottesville today is known today as an anti Semitic rally, Great Replacement theory and all that. At the time it was reported as an anti black rally(which it was). Once they found it fit the Great Replacement theory narrative no problem.

With all the Confederate statues in the south why did the alt right as they were known then pick Charlottesville to make a stand? Could it have had something to do with the mayor being Jewish at the time? Seems an obvious area of inquiry, but we will never know, it was never asked and never will be.

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29 Nov 2022, 8:17 am

Dox47 wrote:
I straight up don't believe this, if only because no one admits to that short of straight forward prejudice these days.

Let's be honest, not many people know enough about Jewish people anyway. Everyone in my place of work never mentions them yet alone reach a conclusion that they're too powerful.

To have THAT much hatred against them when most people don't have the slightest clue about their faith and culture and couldn't care less seems outlandish.


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29 Nov 2022, 10:12 am

Nades wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
I straight up don't believe this, if only because no one admits to that short of straight forward prejudice these days.

Let's be honest, not many people know enough about Jewish people anyway. Everyone in my place of work never mentions them yet alone reach a conclusion that they're too powerful.

To have THAT much hatred against them when most people don't have the slightest clue about their faith and culture and couldn't care less seems outlandish.

It is outlandish but that has not seemed to matter. Jewish Derangement Syndrome has been going on for over 2,000 years. Many of these places mentioned in the linked article had little familiarity with Jews. Prejudice and hatred are often a product of literal ignorance.

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29 Nov 2022, 2:30 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Nades wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
I straight up don't believe this, if only because no one admits to that short of straight forward prejudice these days.

Let's be honest, not many people know enough about Jewish people anyway. Everyone in my place of work never mentions them yet alone reach a conclusion that they're too powerful.

To have THAT much hatred against them when most people don't have the slightest clue about their faith and culture and couldn't care less seems outlandish.

It is outlandish but that has not seemed to matter. Jewish Derangement Syndrome has been going on for over 2,000 years. Many of these places mentioned in the linked article had little familiarity with Jews. Prejudice and hatred are often a product of literal ignorance.

I honestly have no clue how anti-Semitism can be this ripe when I'm pretty sure most Jews are indistinguishable from anyone else. I'm sure most don't even know what a Jewish last name is. With 26% of managers refusing to employ Jews, the topic of Jews should come up very frequently in work but it never has in a single place I've worked for. I imagine it's very rare in most places of work.

Generally, if hatred of this common then it should be far more conspicuous and cases of anti-Semitic hiring practices on a small or large scale just never show up in the courts. The evidence of this happening in reality is very thin on the ground.


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29 Nov 2022, 3:50 pm

It's definitely a weird prejudice in that it clearly is a real thing with real effects, but tends to fly under the radar in some respects, and it really flummoxes woke progressive types who are usually the ones pointing out prejudice everywhere (whether it exists or not) both because they're unsure if Jews are "white" or not, and because they themselves so often come right up to the line with their "anti Zionism" that feels pretty antisemitic.

Funny side note, we have an extremely conspicuous Jewish security guard at my work who wears star of David patches and Hebrew slogans on his tactical gear and patrols in a yarmulke; naturally his nickname is G.I. Jew. Nobody actually cares, it's just sort of funny.

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30 Nov 2022, 3:08 am

Nades wrote:
I honestly have no clue how anti-Semitism can be this ripe when I'm pretty sure most Jews are indistinguishable from anyone else. I'm sure most don't even know what a Jewish last name is. With 26% of managers refusing to employ Jews, the topic of Jews should come up very frequently in work but it never has in a single place I've worked for. I imagine it's very rare in most places of work.

Generally, if hatred of this common then it should be far more conspicuous and cases of anti-Semitic hiring practices on a small or large scale just never show up in the courts. The evidence of this happening in reality is very thin on the ground.

People here know what a Jewish sounding name is but maybe it's different in Wales.
Is My Surname Jewish?
Many of the names that people think "sound" Jewish are, in fact, simple German, Russian, or Polish surnames. You generally can't identify Jewish ancestry by a surname alone. Actually, there are really only three surnames (and their variations) that are generally specifically Jewish: Cohen, Levy, and Israel. Yet, even variations of these common Jewish-specific surnames may not be Jewish in origin. The surnames Cohan and even Cohen, for example, could instead be an Irish surname, derived from O'Cadham (descendant of Cadhan).

Clues to Surnames That May Be Jewish
While few names are specifically Jewish, there are certain surnames that are more commonly found among Jews:

Names ending in -berg (Weinberg, Goldberg)
Names ending in -stein (Einstein, Hofstein)
Names ending in -witz (Rabinowitz, Horowitz)
Names ending in -baum (Metzenbaum, Himmelbaum)
Names ending in -thal (Blumenthal, Eichenthal)
Names ending in -ler (Adler, Winkler)
Names ending in -feld (Seinfeld, Berkenfeld)
Names ending in -blum (Weissblum, Rosenblum)
Names having to do with wealth (Goldberg, Silverstein)
Names derived from Hebrew words (Mizrachi, from mizrakhi, meaning "eastern, or easterner")

A Surname Alone Can't Identify Jewish Ancestry
While many of the above surnames have a greater likelihood of belonging to a Jewish family, you can't assume that any of the last names are actually Jewish, no matter how Jewish they may sound to you, or how many Jewish families you know with that name. The third most common Jewish surname in America (after Cohen and Levy) is Miller, which is also obviously a very common surname for Gentiles as well.

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30 Nov 2022, 4:07 am

Dox47 wrote:
It's definitely a weird prejudice in that it clearly is a real thing with real effects, but tends to fly under the radar in some respects, and it really flummoxes woke progressive types who are usually the ones pointing out prejudice everywhere (whether it exists or not) both because they're unsure if Jews are "white" or not, and because they themselves so often come right up to the line with their "anti Zionism" that feels pretty antisemitic.

It is weird in that it is not based on the belief that Jews are inferior but Jewish supremacy. "They may be 1 percent of the world but they control it"

In the US these are the these main sub types.
1. The traditional and stereotyped kind from white nationalists/supremacists/Nazis etc. The current brand of this is the "Great Replacement Theory" which posits that Jews are conspiring to destroy America by replacing whites with people of color.

2. What Dox47 is referring to comes from what is known as intersectionality. The concept is based on the truth that if you are a member of multiple minorities(for exp. black and gay and autistic) the chance of you being discriminated against is greater than if you are a member of one minority. Its most radical or woke form is known as the "hierarchy of
oppression" ie some groups are more oppressed or privileged than others. In America in this ideology Jews are white using their "white privilege" to oppress or worse "white adjacent" meaning they are not white but close enough to mooch off of white privilege.

3. Spillover from the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. From some Palestinians/Arabs living here or Palestinian and Arab Americans. What Dox47 is referring to is where 2 and 3 get conflated in that Progressives and woke Americans mostly side with the Palestinians viewing the Israelis(white/white-adjacent) as oppressing Palestinians(People of color). If anti-Zionism(Israel as a Jewish state needs to be gone) and antisemitism are the same thing is the topic of bitter debate.

The above is an extreme oversimplification and many elements were left out.

Since progressive/woke viewpoints predominate in academia and entertainment I can not automatically dismiss the survey findings, especially in those fields.

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30 Nov 2022, 4:19 am

Off Topic
Dox47 wrote:
Funny side note, we have an extremely conspicuous Jewish security guard at my work who wears star of David patches and Hebrew slogans on his tactical gear and patrols in a yarmulke; naturally his nickname is G.I. Jew. Nobody actually cares, it's just sort of funny.

It is sort of funny. Back in the 70s they would say to me "do you smell gas" a holocaust reference, they would tell the Italian guy that his car was shot up, a mafia reference, the Irish guy got drunk references, etc. If received a penny for every time I heard the joke "How do you get 100 Jews to fit into a car, Throw a penny in it." I would be a rich man.

It was called ethnic humor.

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27 Dec 2023, 10:06 pm

Mona Pereth

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27 Dec 2023, 11:16 pm

It surprises me that there is still so much prejudice against Jews among hiring managers.

I notice that the survey data did NOT include a question about location. It would be interesting to know the specific parts of the U.S.A. in which the listed anti-Jewish beliefs are most or least common.

I suspect that most of the listed beliefs are less common among hiring managers in places like NYC, where Jews are commonplace, than in other parts of the country, where there are fewer Jews.

Anyhow, most of the listed anti-Jewish beliefs seem to me quite irrational, as a reason for not hiring someone. I mean, if you really believe that someone is a member of a super-powerful group, wouldn't that be a reason to hire them, in the hope of taking advantage of that person's connections???

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28 Dec 2023, 12:09 am

This is really disappointing.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.

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28 Dec 2023, 5:17 am

funeralxempire wrote:
This is really disappointing.

Indeed it is, and it shows that anti-Jewish bigotry is still a real problem.

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