Highly_Autistic wrote:
I feel anxious since my childhood, especially among other people. Whatever I do I cant cure it. I try to act normal but I come off as a weirdo anyway. Everytime I say something, I need to calculate before I speak. So that makes me anxious and I hate preparing for every social situation. I need to prepare for 10 minutes for a 1 minute phone call for example. Words dont come out of my mouth naturally. It's very tiring.
I saw the answer by rolling my eyes to the left. Your age, 26.
Took me a long time to reduce anxiety in social situations. Just, constant exposure in my full-time jobs to other people is what made a cure. I do not prepare for social situations & don't need to. I don't prepare for phone calls. Why? It is because I have done 100,000 social situations and 500,000 phone calls. The first 10% were terrible, anxious, nervous and horrible. The next 90% were great. This is just something that builds over time. I consider HFA (High Functioning Autistics) to be slow learners in social situations, yet learners all the same. That is to say you CAN. Never assume you cannot.
My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things:
chess, and
dungeon crawl stone soup.