What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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^^^interesting how life events outside our bedroom window can influence our dreams. in february of 2001 i dreamt that somebody was herding cattle in front of my house, when all of a sudden i was awoken out of my reverie by my dad who shouted for me to get my @$$ up and outta the rack 'cause there was an earthquake.

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Location: the island of defective toy santas
i dreamt i was in my mom's old bedroom in the house we used to live in. her honda was parked in there, and it was packed for a trip. i was washing some bedding stashed in the back area, there was some stains i tried to get off but just made a soppy wet mess instead. i said to hell with it and got dressed. next scene i parked the honda in front of some fancy restaurant, my mom and niece and her hubby and my older brother and his wife got out and entered the restaurant leaving me outside. my niece went to the back of the car to retrieve a jacket but it was wet from me trying to wash the bedding, she said "it's wet, what is this about?" and i apologized for making a mess with washing the bedding. i noticed they left their ticket books for the restaurant on top of the honda, i gathered them up and my niece came back outside and i gave them to her but she didn't beckon me to join them. i stood there wondering what to do when an officious security guard came up and started berating me for being a vagrant, and when i protested that this was our car and i was with my party in the restaurant, other pigs came by started kicking me, beating me, stomping me on the ground then they ticketed me for getting their uniforms dirty by their "having to beat me" and then dragged me savagely to the patrol car where they shoved me into the backseat while deliberately banging my head on the car door frame, then at the police station they charged me with vagrancy and when i asked about my family the pigs told me they disowned me and for damned good reason! then they asked me for my license, i handed it to them and they cussed me some more and said "NO! your LIFE license for being on earth!" and i shook my head in incomprehension, and they told me that i had to have a license to be on this earth and i had to leave this earth, i told them how could i leave this earth, i don't even have a rocket, and then they ticketed me for lacking said life license and ticketed me for not having a rocket nor a license for said rocket.

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Location: amid the sunlight and the dust and the wind
I dreamed that there were some strange noises underneath someone's house. So we went over to his house, drilled a hole through the concrete slab (don't know why we didn't drill the hole from outside so as to miss the slab), and found a large cavity underneath the house that went down 100 feet. We suspected that there were some kind of creatures in there and so we installed infrared cameras to keep an eye out to see what was in the cavities.
Our hope was that there were such cavities under every house in town with an extensive tunnel network that we could use for stringing fiber optic to every house in town.
Last edited by kokopelli on 17 Nov 2021, 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I dreamt that i was in a classroom with two other people. The teacher was upset she was assigned to our class and she also seemed to hate me. I was scared of getting hated so i tried to cheer her up and always acted nice to her. But she still seemed to dislike me.
It upset me so much that i told my mom while crying on the phone.
This dream reminds me of my school years, i understood then that there is no guarantee that if you act nice to someone they will also act in goodwill. It is all up to chance.
The dream started with a scrap of paper.
I was standing outside a studio tower complex, it was towering over the rest of the landscape and would've likely cost a small fortune to live in. The paper scrap in my hands had an address written on it, apparently from the night before (which I did not remember). I remembered vaguely something about it belonging to a mysterious woman I had met earlier and that she had given me her address. Already off to an odd start.
So I walked into the building and I'm trying to find her. I found a flat, but after I talked to the residents I learnt that I had the wrong place. They told me that I should go up three floors to find that studio. Before leaving that flat, I walked down a long hallway and on to an unsafe balcony. There's no railing, just a high drop that you'd fall to your death from if you continued walking. I pointed this out to the residents, and they told me that it is the garden area and that I shouldn't be there. To which I asked how a concrete platform counts as a garden. However, I get no response on this and the fact I shouldn't be there is repeated. So I go back inside and walk out of the flat.
I travel up three floors and find the apartment / flat I was looking for. The woman answered the door after I knocked and let me inside her home. We talked for a bit, nothing particularly interesting at first, mainly about her flat. Anyway, we were hanging out in her bedroom as she was telling me about the cool collections of things she has. We ended up kissing. Unfortunately, this is when her flatmates decide to return and they just break into the room without even knocking. Weirdly, none of the flatmates even say anything about me being there. One guy states that it is good that everyone is here (Hello? I don't live here though? You don't know me, do you? Are we not addressing this? ) and then proceeds to tell us that he has something to show us.
All of us leave the bedroom and go into a living room type space. He then gets out a suitcase and unfolds it into a door. Then he stares at the door like he's willing something to happen. He opened the door to reveal darkness on the other side, a complete void. Then he frowned and said "Oh, it didn't work".
Which is when I woke up. I have many questions.
Support human artists!
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.
i looked over the Netherlands as if I was a sattelite. It was like a compressed, down-sized GTA map version. I pointed to some landmarks and cities. I noticed how there was much more water then there was supposed to be, but the dykes were intact so it's not like a flood happened or anything.
Then I was in a story, like a movie. It was like a sequel to ET starring Jim Carrey and co-starring me. Sometimes I was myself going along with Jim Carrey and sometimes I took on the role of his character.
We were in a car trying to get ET to the airport in time or something. ET kept being annoying, making noises and we told him to behave. He apologised and said that he was a big boy.
Later, Jim Carrey and I were at a shopping centre, looking for a specific item. We needed something that could be used to stick two things together firmly, like glue, but also come off easily. The shop brought us to the back room and gave us an old tub they had stored away. Jim Carrey stabbed it with a screwdriver to try and rip the lid off, as it was stuck. The white paste inside and become somewhat hard and rubber-like, rather than the paste it's supposed to be. It'd been stored for that long. Jim Carrey took the paste out and shook it, the off-white mass of stuff danced in it's flubbery rubbery state.
I read the tub's label. The stuff was called "SkyLoad". I asked if it was called that because it was named after God's semen. The store owner assured me it was called that because it could bear the load of the sky. I wondered if the company that made it was called "Devine Member".
Later I was Jim Carrey, riding my car over the motorway. As I approached a busstop, a small car came and stopped there, a few men came out and set up some odd equipment. A bus came by very fast with a bright light, it seemed almost like a speeding train. I moved on, thinking it odd.
Even later I came by a busstop on foot. Now a small car drove up to the busstop and stopped there but there were no people driving it and nobody came out. I looked around in confusion, noticing no bus came, until I noticed my wristwatch had skipped ten minutes. I knew what was going on.
I had traveled time. The government tries to cover up time-traveling trans-dimensional buses. So people in time-cars set up time-altering operations at bus stops at night, this causes leaps in time and people missing buses. The people in the cars only appear when you just happen to be caught in the time-warp with them like I was the first time. The government keeps their time-altering technology a secret, as it is very dangerous.
Also, I went to a buffet-style restaurant with my family and put some chips on my plate.
I have analyzed your dreams, i shall summarize their meaning
Lost Dragon, you fear you will never find love, and feel stifled by your environment.
Kerch, you watch too many jim carrey movies.
AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)
I am driving in a '78 Oldsmobile (the car I drove in my early twenties) on a snowy, dark back road in the "boonies". I am driving at night, and my headlights keep flickering in and out. There are four other people in the car with me. I don't know who they are, but we are all on a journey to a venue where my father (a king of demons?) awaits. There is a dark-skinned man with dreadlocks and a scar on his cheek who is seated behind me. In a sisterly fashion (strange because I don't KNOW anyone...maybe I don't even know MYSELF in this dream?), I reach back and touch his cheek. I tell him his face is soft and he laughs quietly.
We finally arrive at the venue. It looks like a baseball stadium was combined with a wooden barn. The two areas come together at an awkward seam. There are magical/physical events involving teams going on in the stadium area. It is not our turn to compete, so we go to the wooden barn area.
In the wooden barn, there are many strange individuals seated on pews. There is an auction in progress. It appears that someone's soul is being auctioned, and people are getting very animated and competitive about it. My team and I find empty seats. There are post-it notes all over mine. I strain to read what they say, but the print just keeps getting smaller.
The "team" and I then discuss what game we will possibly face. We think that it might involve a lot of kicking, jumping, and teleporting. We don't have proper shoes, so we must find those before the game begins.
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Lions and tiger and bears.
Seriously, there were at least two African lions roaming around my house. As well as at least one or two grizzly bears. A tiger and a wolf were outside. Random "guests" that I didn't recognize were hanging out in the house. At one point, I got one of the bears to go into the bathroom, closing the door on it and trapping it inside. One of the random "guests" subsequently opened the door and let it out by mistake. Trying to call for help and not knowing how to explain the WILD situation. I don't think anyone was hurt, but it was disturbing. I don't usually have/remember dreams this vivid or intense.

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Location: the island of defective toy santas
i dreamt i was in another body in another lifetime, i was in the coast guard as a jr. petty officer, and i was called up by the captain and promoted to lieutenant. i was marveling at my black class A uniform but worrying that they would discover that i was incompetent. the captain, looking like an older marilyn monroe, was a female and seemed delighted to have me as a new jr. officer.

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Location: the island of defective toy santas
My partner and I are vacationing inside a high tech robot (looks sort of like our motorhome inside). It is much bigger on the inside, like a TARDIS. We have views from the large windows of the motorhome as we tour cities we have always wanted to see. We can easily bypass crowds, camouflage ourselves, and avoid infectious diseases in the air. We cross a walking bridge, and the Golden Girls are at the end of the bridge, throwing bread to ducks and arguing about something.
We finish touring cities, and we have work to do inside. There are many hidden rooms within the robot. There is a door I hadn't noticed before. It was a room that would bring any fantasy to life (and I will not be giving more detail to this portion of the dream LOL ;P)
I came out of the fantasy room, and the main hall of the robot was filled with strange people. My partner was nowhere in sight, and everyone seemed to be in a hurry to find him (so we could escape some catastrophic event that was going to occur on Earth?). A fluffy fuzzball alien (salmon colored) entered the room and started a conversation with me. He wanted to know about my relationships with animals on Earth. I told him about my animal family and my work with animals in the wild, and I also cried over the loss of my previous animal friends (real life losses).
Some of the strangers in the room redirected me to a safe with a green lock in the middle of the room. They thought that if I could unlock it, we would somehow have access to the ship controls. I guessed the password/lock combination right the first time. The box opened, and much of the contents had disintegrated into a rust colored powder. I searched around in the debris, and I found 2 watches that were very similar. They looked like my mother's watch (she wore when I was a child), but one of them was gaudy and WRONG. I grabbed the true watch and put it in my pocket.
I woke up soon after that.
ૂི•̮͡• ૂ ྀ
I was attending some kind of gathering where we (not sure who these people were) were discussing a problem and looking for a solution. I was feeling pretty worthless. I had no expertise to contribute.
There was a kid here with us, who was wandering around looking pretty bored. I didn't know who he was.
At some point we discussed a people problem only tangentially related to the main problem (technical?) we were solving. This people discussion was pretty flippant and mean-spirited and I said something to object that could be considered kill-joy, and I was interrupted and discussion moved on and we got back to the problem at hand.
The kid came and put a paper model of an airplane on my hand. Not just a paper airplane, but a carefully constructed and painted model of a WW2 fighter airplane, made of folded paper. He said grandpa wanted me to have it. I didn't know who grandpa was and asked him if I had talked to grandpa here, and he said I had told grandpa quite a lot, and I understood that grandpa was the facilitator.
Yes, many tigers, lions, forest animals , predators in my dreams. i was once bitten by a polar bear crossing the road. ( a few weeks back) A freind shot it with a shotgun, then i got into a argument with a nurse about the improper healthcare i was receiving.
AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)
Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 35
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Location: Portland, Oregon
Warning: Violence! Reader discretion is advised!
My NT sister, my NT girlfriend, and I were at a brewery eating lunch enjoying ourselves. The manager of the brewery approached my NT sister and offered her employment with good wages to it. She gladly accepted it on the spot and it cut to the next day where she immediately began work.
Our mom angrily showed up at the brewery with a rifle and began shooting anyone who tried to stop her.
She found my NT sister, killed her and left a fake suicide note next to her body.
She continued her bloody rampage. She found me and my lady, killed us, then burnt our bodies.
My two bigoted uncles showed up and approved of her wrath. However, she reloaded her rifle, killed them, and burnt their bodies. Before she got into her car, she shouted "Termine" (in Spanish) and then drove off.
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!