FleaOfTheChill wrote:
If and when you have the time, I'm totally a sport for getting a reading. It would be appreciated
A card reading for you.
In the center of your reading the focus card I pulled was the 5 of Hearts. I believe this card refers to a sense of mourning and loss. Something leaving you feeling down? There is the 8 of Diamonds (work) and 10 of Hearts (family). There is something about these two cards meaning that you feel that you should be happy right, but maybe you're not happy for some reason?
In your past I see the 6 of Clubs which is a victory card of sorts, and the 9 of Hearts which is about getting exactly what you wanted. Then i see the Jack of Diamonds which is a youth or youthful adult. Since this is the only Court Card pulled in this deck I think it refers to you.
In your future I see thr Ace of Wands, the 8 of Spades which is like feeling trapped in your own head (or body). And the 5 of Spades which I view as a card of defeating your rivals with a gloating expression.
Is there perhaps something about yourself you wish to conquer and control? A change you would like to make in your life that will help you come out of your shell and find real happiness in life?
If im wrong im wrong. It's ok.