utterly absurd wrote:
It bothers me when people wish they were taller. They should be happy where they are.
I understand being exceptionally short comes with its own problems, but if you're average height (or within one standard deviation), be grateful. Be grateful that you don't have to spend weeks scouring the internet to find the one brand of pants that comes in your size, and then live in constant fear they'll stop making them. That you can comfortably and safely drive any car you want. That you can sleep in foreign beds without your legs dangling onto the floor. That random strangers don't walk up to you and tell you you're very tall, and you don't have to stop yourself from saying sarcastically "Really?? I never knew!" That you can sit down at a regular desk and have your legs fit underneath it. That you don't have to put boxes on the counter when you cook so you're not bending all the way over to reach things. That you don't have neck pain from looking down all the time. That you never stand up and bang your head on a chandelier. That normal showerheads spray water anywhere above your waist.
Sorry that was just my rant. In short, I try to have a sense of humor about it but it's hard when people can't see it as anything but a good thing. Autism is an "invisible disability", hyperverticality is extremely visible but no one can see how disabling it is.
Impressive collection.
Also...washing dishes in a basin because you can't reach the bottom of the sink.
Soaking the bathroom floor from showers bouncing off your shoulders.
Having to change everyone's light bulbs and smoke detector batteries.
And I am SO tired of toilets made for children