stargazing wrote:
I did the EXACT same things, and always laughed at myself thinking there couldn't possibly be anyone anywhere in the world who had that obsession and did those things. It is seriously stunning to browse this forum and find out for the first time in my life that I'm not quite as unusual as I thought!! !
Yep. I thought the same thing too. It's a shock, a relief, and happiness all at the same time to discover it's not some weird isolated quirk.
And it's
really nice to discover that someone else loves the beauty and ingenuity of these things - and as you did what I did, I
know that to be true.
Bourdon 8', Roerfluit 8' on Hoofdwerk, with Holpijp 8', Nasard 3' on Rugpositief plus a light tremulant, and Subbass 16', Holpijp 8' on Pedal (Dutch Schnitger-style voicing).
Bliss expressed in sound.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.