jamieboy wrote:
I think because i am not a part of a collective or social group i can see how the world functions perfectly well without me and the fact that i don't really matter so much.
Having life... being a human being with words (or images) racing through your mind, is the rarest most complicated life form in the universe. IF there are other intelligent beings in the universe, they will be like us. That is they too will have tens of thousands of generations behind them. And they will have languages, and words or images in their minds.
But... just because you are not part of a social group or collective doesn't mean that you will always feel so isolated. All of us are completely expendable, and the world doesn't stop turning whether any of us is here or not. If you want to be less isolated practice. Practice figuring out what those around you want or need and then provide it. It may just be a smile or a hand up the curb. Play with your existence and your relationship with others.
Everything is falling.