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11 Jun 2021, 10:50 pm

Prof. Sam Vaknin explained that only people with High-functioning Autism are ten times more than the statistical average of the general population likely to commit crimes, because of abnormal social skills. He also explained to most crimes committed by people with ASD are actually violent. He then also explained that when people with ASD do commit violent crimes, it is because they are in panic and don't understand what people are trying to tell them.
I hope that I am not misinformed here, because there are other studies that point out that people with ASD are ten times more likely to be victims and are less likely to commit crimes than the general population.
There are many sources that might not seem to support what Prof. Sam Vaknin said on this video that I want to talk to you guys about today.

Sources that seem not to support his video:
- ... ptions.pdf

But the problem is that violent crimes is not rare in ASD though and it depends on how mild ASD is. The problem is that Autism is treated a spectrum disorder and I would not be surprised if people with mild ASD committed crimes. Here is a better explanation about ASD and crime that I made. But if ASD is severe to profound, then you are ten times less likely to commit crimes, because you may have intellectual impairment as well.
Another problem is that ASD is more broad than it was many years ago to the point where even convicted criminals can be diagnosed with ASD as well and that statistics about ASD and crime might not be accurate and especially when it comes to people with HFA. If people in the general population are more likely to commit crimes, then people with HFA are also more likely to commit crimes than people who have Intellectual Disabilities, because people with HFA can function well in society. That is my logic. So, instead of stating this "A small body of literature has suggested that, rather than being more likely to engage in offending or violent behavior, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may actually have an increased risk of being the victim rather than the perpetrator of violence", because it sounds way too broad and as I explained above and criminal rates can be the same as the general population and even more in HFA, because of abnormal social skills.

There are two ways to commit crimes, with or without intend. There are situations where lack of social skills can cause you to commit crimes without meaning to do so. As explained by this professor as well. The correct way to say is this "People who are high-functioning regardless if they have any mental health and developmental disorders are ten times more likely to commit crimes than people who have Intellectual Disabilities . People with Intellectual Disabilities are ten times more likely to be victims." What is said now is much more accurate and logical.

My sources:
- viewtopic.php?t=395603
- ... zI-My6/pub

As a person with ASD, I feel very confused, because Prof. Sam Vaknin is a professor of psychology, but I am trying to understand what he means by that traits of High-functioning Autism increases the probability of criminal activities if there are other studies that states that people with ASD are ten times more likely to be victims and less likely to commit crimes than the general population. However there are studies that supports Prof. Sam Vaknin's point of view.

- ... 3811719952

I am very confused as to why there is such thing as an unofficial condition called 'Criminal Autistic Psychopathy" If there are other studies stating this "A small body of literature has suggested that, rather than being more likely to engage in offending or violent behavior, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may actually have an increased risk of being the victim rather than the perpetrator of violence " and that "There is no evidence that people with ASD are more violent than those without ASD". I am just so confused.

I hope that we all can discuss about this. Thank you!


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12 Jun 2021, 9:40 am

Good work Franz, maybe he thinks its a crime to flail about on the ground having a meltdown?


Also I would guess he ignores aspies buying street drugs in his 'stats', if he did consider this, the violence rate would likely be far lower.

Im not saying it should be a crime to buy drugs, just that some of us have done it and it is considered a crime..


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12 Jun 2021, 8:36 pm

It makes sense. Thank you!


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17 Jun 2021, 12:43 pm

speak of the devil, I had a meltdown 2 days ago.

The flailing on the ground was seen as criminal. That is for sure.

I dont know what is up with this shrink, is he an idiot or is he screwing with us.

Doenst help that the vid puts me to sleep.

ps - a more specific thread title may have resulted in a more active thread.


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17 Jun 2021, 1:57 pm

Thank you! I understood.


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18 Jun 2021, 12:40 pm

- I finally watched the video without falling asleep.

It soon became obvious there was another possibility besides he is an idiot or screwing with us.

Hes probably just drunk.

the whole thing is pretty interesting actually, you cant make this stuff up. :mrgreen:

maybe he can lol, but hes pretty funny and non effensive, I even doubt hes really a narc like he claims!


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18 Jun 2021, 1:52 pm

just curious Franz, did this vid cause you to worry and post the sadist thread?

That thread and this vid came out within a day of each other.


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18 Jun 2021, 5:39 pm

No, it was just a coincidence.


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19 Jun 2021, 1:19 am

This guy is confused

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19 Jun 2021, 1:56 am

This is a great example of how even a smart Professor of Psychology can have alot of insight in some areas (clearly he knows heaps about narcissistic personality disorder and psychopathy), but then get into a muddle when he tries to generalize his conclusions to areas outside his area of expertise (autism).


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19 Jun 2021, 3:53 am

Thank you!


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19 Jun 2021, 8:17 am

Anyone who lumps autism in with sociopathy/psychopathy in the same breath is an ignorant idiot, and a waste of time to listen to.

So I am not gonna waste my time watching the video- thank you. He lost me at the first few seconds.


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19 Jun 2021, 9:44 am

I don't think you understand what the is talking about or what the study is for. The study said only trait of HFA is related to criminal activities, the rest of the people with ASD are ten times more likely to be victims and five times less likely to commit crimes than the general population, especially because 50% of people with ASD have Intellectual Disability. That means that people who are only high-functioning are ten times more likely to commit crimes. But HFA and crimes is linked together, because of lack of social skills and professor from this video did not even equate HFA to psychopathy or narcissism. You really should watch his video before making snap judgements.

Even this professor said that only people with HFA can develop Antisocial Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or both, but he also explained that there are differences between HFA and psychopathy. He is also a psychologist. Since he is a psychologist, it leads me to believe he knows exactly what he is talking about.

Everyone, try to watch his video before making snap judgments. Thank you!


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19 Jun 2021, 10:07 am

However, even most NTs are more likely to commit crimes, but might be even more so only with HFA, because of lack of empathy (NOT like psychopath's lack of empathy, it is related to lack of social skills) and lack of social awareness. The rest of people with ASD are ten times more likely to be victims and five times less likely to commit crimes, especially because 50% of people with ASD have Intellectual Disability and ID diagnosed together with ASD is sometimes called Low-functioning Autism.

Last edited by FranzOren on 19 Jun 2021, 10:18 am, edited 2 times in total.


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19 Jun 2021, 10:13 am

That means that in rare cases, only people with HFA might be more likely to be criminally insane, only if this type of criminal insanity is related to lack of social awareness and lack of cognitive empathy when it might come to following the laws, even if it makes sense to follow the laws. But following the laws is a social skill to follow though, in rare situations, it might be hard for us to follow the laws, because our social skills are not that good and we have too many laws. As a person with HFA, even I am afraid that I might commit crimes without intending to do so, because we have too many laws and because our social skills are not that good, we might have trouble controlling our emotions and might have anger problems and frustrations, because of our lack of social skills.

Last edited by FranzOren on 19 Jun 2021, 10:28 am, edited 3 times in total.


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19 Jun 2021, 10:16 am

I hope you all understand what I am talking about. Abnormal psychology gets complicated and statistics when it comes to ASD and crime, is not black and white, since Autism is a spectrum, there are gray lines that some people with ASD are more or less likely to commit crimes, it's confusing.