Edna3362 wrote:
I don't experience anything related to heightened anxiety states on a regular basis -- intolerance to uncertainty, unwillingness to take risk, not going nonlinear, heightened sense of fear or phobias, constant worry, intrusive negativity, avoidance, some forms of rigidity like disliking spontaneousness, needing consistent routines, dislike or easily startled, etc.
Except for overthinking and excitability.
The former is from poor EF. Latter is negative transformed to positive.
To add;
No alexithymia. I basically embody the opposite of alexithymia.
Thus no flat affect, no monotonous voice, no struggles in emotional factors related to empathy...
... Even though I'd rather have those traits than not.
No gut issues. Because that's me for being a woman, not for being autistic.
Recently experienced less gut issues recently -- which was in-line around the time when I had pleasant changes around my psyche and body, and I hadn't changed my diet yet.
No learning disabilities. This includes clumsiness in gross motor and fine motor sense.
No 'rigidity' or related to lack of inner flexibility. It could be cultural and completely situational in my case.
No social awkwardness. Unless you count being intentional about it.
And yes, you can be the one who doesn't do what others do and not know custom -- yet still able to be included, sync with others, do more than just fit in; vibe with them, control the entire playing field, etc.
I dunno if eye contact counts. I don't really avoid eye contact -- it's just meaningless to me.
And I very much can use the context of eye contact; it means more to an NT emotionally than it means to me. Though I relish on moments when someone is trying to assert themselves onto me, yet I do not 'back down'...
But honestly, there are several profiles within an autistic.
I don't count on enumeration of 'traits', I count on tendencies and inclinations that had it's own range and can change over time.
My answers are just based on 'the most common experience' and the 'symptom checklist'.