kraftiekortie wrote:
I feel the same way.
I would like to have a quiet life, too.
Fortunately, people sense that I sort of want to be left alone, so they don't bother me too much. I'm friendly to them, they are friendly to me----but the relationship is rather superficial.
I think you have a good point about people sensing you want to be left alone and keeping things superficial.
Boundaries worried me most when I was at work, or in any environment where I was forced to be there e.g. on a course, at the bank etc.
Work colleagues were always, always pushing at my boundaries. I had to be 100% 'on' all the time to prevent them walking all over me. And then there was the journey home on public transport with people pushing at my boundaries. So very, very tiring.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.