Yes, I get this. I used to get full-on migraines regularly when I went through adolescence, which became mostly only visual as I got older. I'd say it happens about once or twice a month, with a regular migraine only once a year or so, if that. Stress is definitely a factor for me too, and lack of sleep; a shut-down/melt-down can also bring it on (a more extreme version of the stress cause, I suppose.) I don't know if it's unusual for it to start later in life, but my Mum started having them in her 50's (menopause maybe?)
I have what seems like a much milder version of it pretty much constantly, accompanying "visual snow"; in good light, it's barely noticeable, but when the light is very low, it dominates my vision. That's always been present so far as I recall - I can remember lying awake watching the light-show at night from when I was very young.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.