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08 Oct 2008, 2:56 pm

Does anyone else make careless mistakes that other people don't seem to make? I know making careless mistakes in schoolwork and so on is common in ADHD, but is it common in Asperger's as well?

An example of this was a couple of weeks ago when I took my car for a ride, I knew the brakes didn't work, but I didn't care (even though I had bought new brake pads which I didn't equip). This resulted in a 50 kph crash in a fence, allthough in retrospect it has occured to me that I actually deserved it. I make a lot of similar mistakes all the time, and I've done since I was a child.

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08 Oct 2008, 3:10 pm

if i were you, i'd certainly and seriously consider
making my mistakes more carless

a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it

may your god forgive you


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08 Oct 2008, 3:26 pm

I do that all the time. Usually it's me saying something that pisses someone else off, but other times I'll do dumb crap like put my eyeglasses in the refrigerator or leave my keys in the car and lock the door behind me. Two days ago I was frying some tortillas on the stove to make tacos and even though I knew better, I reached down and grabbed the handle of the black iron frying pan, burning my hand bad enough to bring up blisters. I just get so focused on one thing that I don't realize I'm about to do something else dumb whenever I attempt to multi-task.

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08 Oct 2008, 3:54 pm

i think you divorce the fcat that your behaviour could be attributed to any stupid 19 yo ( please not meant to be offensive)
there is an impairment there in your executive functioning.(EF)

this impairment of EF is an AS feature.

what we become habituated to when we drive this order....
1. open door.
2. sit in car
3. turn on ignition.
4, drive off.

this becomes, habitual, a habit and we rote learn the process.

everytime we drive a car we execute this sequence........replacing brake pads doesnt come into this decision tree.

even thou we know it is dangerous we still drive becaue we are driven to follow the same routine despite the danger of adding and additional step ( change brake pads) we ignore this in preference of sameness. the routine hasnt changed, we feel safer in this than we do even knwoing that the car doesnt have brake pads.

your 19 so your risk taking behaviour is going to be higher for a while, plus the lack of EF can be a killer.

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08 Oct 2008, 4:22 pm

Rainstorm5 wrote:
I do that all the time. Usually it's me saying something that pisses someone else off, but other times I'll do dumb crap like put my eyeglasses in the refrigerator or leave my keys in the car and lock the door behind me.

I thank God my car doesn't have lock pins (which is the case for many old cars with power locks) for this very reason. ;)

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08 Oct 2008, 11:25 pm

Mistakes due to inattention to one thing and hyper focus on another is typical of me. Not as bad as the stereotype of the distracted professor, but still. I wonder if this is typical of AS.

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09 Oct 2008, 5:39 am

I feel that I make tons of mistakes, though people generally seem to think I'm a diligent guy. Part of it is probably down to the ridiculously stringent standards I apply to my work - I simply notice the flaws that other people miss.

Also when I can't do things my own way but have to follow some clumsy NT prescription. And when I get interrupted. And when I'm forced to work with background noise and other distractions. And when I'm concerned that my hyper-focus may be inappropriate. And when I get bored.

Often I feel like Muhammed Ali - the way he used to box without really trying, leaving himself unguarded. I can be so slick, performing tasks with an air of contempt because they seem too mundane or irrelevent to what I really want to do. It can be very hard for me to fully commit to a particular task, which doesn't sound very Aspie, but I think it's because I know that once I take up the challenge, I'm unlikely to throw in the towel. It's a fear of wasting my life.

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09 Oct 2008, 9:22 am

Thankfully (to whomever is in charge of such things), my mistakes are usually small ones. But, they are numerous. In fact, there was a time when I thought I might be going quite mad (moreso than is usual).
I hide household items from myself. I have, also put items in the refridgerator(and/or the cupboards), that do not belong there. And, of course, I've walked away and forgotten that I was cooking (until the smoke alarm reminded me).
Driving has always been difficult for me. So, I usually retain an intense amount of focus whilst doing so. Of course, intense focus (in something that I dislike) also means intense stimming. So, don't laugh at the twitchy lady behind the wheel. She may just be trying to avoid killing everyone on the road. :D


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09 Oct 2008, 2:07 pm

EV wrote:
Thankfully (to whomever is in charge of such things), my mistakes are usually small ones. But, they are numerous. In fact, there was a time when I thought I might be going quite mad (moreso than is usual).
I hide household items from myself. I have, also put items in the refridgerator(and/or the cupboards), that do not belong there. And, of course, I've walked away and forgotten that I was cooking (until the smoke alarm reminded me).
Driving has always been difficult for me. So, I usually retain an intense amount of focus whilst doing so. Of course, intense focus (in something that I dislike) also means intense stimming. So, don't laugh at the twitchy lady behind the wheel. She may just be trying to avoid killing everyone on the road. :D

Hey....I think you are my twin....everything you just said is very ME!


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09 Oct 2008, 2:32 pm

nah i never forget a mistake...i could even say they haunt me

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18 Nov 2024, 10:20 pm

today unintentionally put the phone in the washing machine. thank buddha it still works.

sometimes i make careless mistakes like that.

i think autism spectrum disorders makes it easier to make careless errors b/c autistics are more often detached/dissociated (or deep in thought) than neurotypicals. however, i do not have a PubMed article to back that up with. also, it is not justified to lump together all autistics versus all neurotypicals. then you have to define what is a "careless mistake". and then take the frequency. then separate correlation versus causation. then take a controlled experiment and a representative sample.

however, eight billion precious lil "people" in the solar system. if i were to have invented "careless mistakes", i would've taken out a patent.

maybe other people make careless mistakes but i am not there to witness it.

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18 Nov 2024, 10:46 pm

This thread hasn't been touched since I was 3 ... and yet it perfectly describes my entire life.

Diagnosed ASD, ADHD, Tourettes age 5
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19 Nov 2024, 3:26 am

SFBUM is a thread necromancer.
Something I do every day is get several ingredients from the fridge to make a sandwich and every day I miss putting one on the sandwich. When I wash clothes I will immediately hang every load EXCEPT the good shirt wash.
Most of my mistakes are sequencing or memory errors.


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25 Nov 2024, 9:57 pm

a couple times a day i trip and almost fall on the stupidass sidewalk, s**t.

bad gross motor skills

autistic walking gait (security guard @ safeway had the nerve to make fun of me for the way i walked. "you got a pimp walk", the ass hole had the nerve to tell me). (rolls eyes). that's just the natural way i walk. i wasn't doing it on purpose, you idiot!