I am a member of a movement, what do you think about it

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23 Jan 2025, 3:15 pm

Discrimination certainly exists, but my main point was that autism often comes with certain deficits (or even comorbids) which can make it difficult to get and maintain employment. Many autistics struggle with executive function issues and hyperfocus. Hyperfocus can be good if one can manage to get a job centered around a special interest, but that’s not always possible.

“Devant cette nuit chargée de signes et d'étoiles, je m'ouvrais pour la première fois à la tendre indifférence du monde.” — Camus, L’étranger


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23 Jan 2025, 4:45 pm

creativeusername18 wrote:
Most autistic adults even those relatively hf live with their NT parents as they have problems living alone, many others require NT carers for a few hours each day.

Bro's reaction when he learns of autistic caregivers: 8O

Of course your plan maybe to exclude by default those of us with higher needs , maybe you should state this


Really so how many autistic care givers do you think are needed when about 80-90% of autistic people are probably unable to live independently? who`s paying them are they living with them 24/7 in split shifts that's a lot of money and a lot of people?

Parents don't normally expect payment but caregivers will.

No one gives up their lives looking after complete strangers for free, so hundreds of thousands of care givers for hundreds of thousands of people? :lol:

Are hf aspies going to want to give up their lives and interests to look after a stranger who is severely disabled in the same way a parent might for their child, the answer is an obvious no, you & others probably wouldn't.

Again you have not thought the obvious through.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

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23 Jan 2025, 4:56 pm

creativeusername18 wrote:
The unemployment rate isn’t solely about discrimination, nor is the suicide rate.

Not solely, but mostly, largely.

Again doesn't appear you are familiar with statistics with autism, nearly 50% of autistic adults that were diagnosed at 8 are intellectually disabled by 18 which eliminates 98% of jobs, the 2% that remain are increasingly filled by low wage immigrants and automation.

That's the starting point

Then you have the co-morbids and spiky functioning level making people ok for work Monday but not tue or maybe a whole week or more depending.

Have you ever suffered this?

This is largely why there are so many of us unemployed, why would a boss put up with someone who wasn't reliable to even turn up for work everyday?

Then there`s the errors caused by memory and ADHD co-morbids etc..and the hiring and firing that's so draining many give up, been there its hard, many retire early on welfare.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

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23 Jan 2025, 8:08 pm

creativeusername18 wrote:
What do you mean? It seems like you are promoting autistic supremacy in a couple of recent comments.

Nope, just separation. I just want them to leave us alone in peace. I don't believe coexistence is feasible. I also don't believe us to be superior.
I think separation is unrealistic.

- Would real estate transactions require medical certificates?

- Would you restrict friendships and romance? I have friends and relatives who are not Autistic. My bride is not Autistic.

- As near as I can make out, children of Autistics might not be Autistic. (Apparently it is likely, but not certain.) Would NT offspring require an entire family to be expelled?

I would suggest getting a lot of Autistics to live in the same area would be more practical.
- Friendships and romance would not be restricted between ND & NT.
- The occasional NT child would not be a black mark against a family.
If Autistics were a major part of the town's population they could steer services and support to better satisfy Autistics.

If done properly, NTs should be able to co-exist in a town shaped by Autistics. Living in an environment tailored for HFAs should be quite tolerable to many NTs...they might even like it.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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24 Jan 2025, 7:27 am

carlos55 wrote:
creativeusername18 wrote:
Most autistic adults even those relatively hf live with their NT parents as they have problems living alone, many others require NT carers for a few hours each day.

Bro's reaction when he learns of autistic caregivers: 8O

Of course your plan maybe to exclude by default those of us with higher needs , maybe you should state this


Really so how many autistic care givers do you think are needed when about 80-90% of autistic people are probably unable to live independently? who`s paying them are they living with them 24/7 in split shifts that's a lot of money and a lot of people?

Parents don't normally expect payment but caregivers will.

No one gives up their lives looking after complete strangers for free, so hundreds of thousands of care givers for hundreds of thousands of people? :lol:

Are hf aspies going to want to give up their lives and interests to look after a stranger who is severely disabled in the same way a parent might for their child, the answer is an obvious no, you & others probably wouldn't.

Again you have not thought the obvious through.

Just following on from my previous point hundreds of thousands of caregivers for hundreds of thousands of population just for one town.

Got a funny image in my head of a hundred thousand cars on one road into town all hours of the day clogging up the streets coming and going traffic jams as hundreds of cars trying to enter a street at the same time.

The noise and pollution not to mention the chaos everywhere all hours

The logistics would make a military planners head spin

Something out of a dr Zuss book (cat in the hat author) would think of.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

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24 Jan 2025, 8:39 am

I would advise maybe starting a intentional community for us autistic people instead of trying to take over a city.You could maybe buy 100 acres to live on.I think it could be peaceful to live in nature. Also like others have said PA has the Amish so they are used to at least some level of seperatism from some residents.However I think trying to start a city is way too much of big thing to do.Maybe if and when seasteading becomes affordable you could do that.You could get special tax treatment if you set it up as a 501d if that applies.


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24 Jan 2025, 9:53 am

Wow I have a lot of replies to respond to

If the government supported those who can’t maintain employment as it often does, I think you’d have trouble keeping the city operating as it needs to because there wouldn’t be enough workers, perhaps especially not for certain types of jobs.

You forget that autists typically have, amongst ourselves, a diverse set of skills, so employment should theoretically not be much of a problem.

This "autistic town" would probably not be heaven on earth but I think as an autistic you would be significantly less disabled there and be better functioning.

Exactly. We know we can't establish a utopia, that's impossible. We just want a land where we can not be repressed and persecuted by allists, where we can live on our own.

OP, since men are much more likely to receive an autism diagnosis than women, would there be more men in the town?

Most likely, I'm not even sure if we have any women at the movement right now. In the future we will make specific efforts to recruit women, but right now our main focus is growing and recruiting for the movement as the whole.

I can't believe someone actually made such a claim.

I can't tell who this is directed at :?

Many autistics struggle with executive function issues and hyperfocus.

So do I but I think I could hold a job for this movement.

Hyperfocus can be good if one can manage to get a job centered around a special interest, but that’s not always possible.

Not always, but a fair amount of the time special interests can be very useful in developing a city. This won't be as much of an issue as you're making it out to be, I think.

Really so how many autistic care givers do you think are needed when about 80-90% of autistic people are probably unable to live independently?

This is just wrong lmao.

who`s paying them are they living with them 24/7 in split shifts that's a lot of money and a lot of people

They're being paid ideally by the Vanguard (although I admit I'm economically illiterate so I'd have to ask a more financially literate person of the movement about this). I guess split shifts if possible but we may have to sacrifice that.

so hundreds of thousands of care givers for hundreds of thousands of people? :lol:

I perchance should've also said that we do not expect all autists to move to one city. We want to split it up among several locations and even then there'll be collaborationists who hate themselves and refuse to join.

Are hf aspies going to want to give up their lives and interests to look after a stranger who is severely disabled in the same way a parent might for their child, the answer is an obvious no, you & others probably wouldn't.

Autists are, on the whole, more empathetic than allists. So yes, we probably wouldn't do it completely for free, but we also wouldn't neglect other autists solely for our own gain.

Again doesn't appear you are familiar with statistics with autism, nearly 50% of autistic adults that were diagnosed at 8 are intellectually disabled by 18 which eliminates 98% of jobs, the 2% that remain are increasingly filled by low wage immigrants and automation.

Where is bro's source and how does this connect.

Then you have the co-morbids and spiky functioning level making people ok for work Monday but not tue or maybe a whole week or more depending.

Ok you're 100% a self-hating collaborationist and you've just been straight up insulting me in some of your replies so I'm not going to bother replying to you anymore.

- Would real estate transactions require medical certificates?

I'm economically illiterate so I'd have to ask a more knowledgeable person in the movement about this.

- Would you restrict friendships and romance? I have friends and relatives who are not Autistic. My bride is not Autistic.

No, but - first - you do not have to live in the same area as your friends and relatives. My father lives 8 timezones apart from his friends and relatives. Second - if you really want to marry an allist, we won't restrict that of course, they'd just have to be comfortable living in an autist-oriented society if you both wanted to immigrate I guess.

- As near as I can make out, children of Autistics might not be Autistic. (Apparently it is likely, but not certain.) Would NT offspring require an entire family to be expelled?

No, they would be raised in the society and if they so wished they could probably stay there past adulthood.

I would suggest getting a lot of Autistics to live in the same area would be more practical.

That is what we're doing.

- Friendships and romance would not be restricted between ND & NT. - The occasional NT child would not be a black mark against a family.

None of this was ever said.

If done properly, NTs should be able to co-exist in a town shaped by Autistics.

I'd be fine with them if they wouldn't try to price us out or attack us. We have agreed that we won't try to remove them or attack them, we will fully peacefully coexist with the existing inhabitants of the town we move to, except for those that attack us. But we will never strike first.

You could maybe buy 100 acres to live on.I think it could be peaceful to live in nature.

This is a major consideration for if, for some reason, the Emporium plan fails.

However I think trying to start a city is way too much of big thing to do.

The city we intend to repopulate is dying, so shouldn't be that hard.

Maybe if and when seasteading becomes affordable you could do that.You could get special tax treatment if you set it up as a 501d if that applies.

I'd get seasick :(

I'm a member of a political movement which supports the creation of an autist-oriented city.

Our Discord if you're interested


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24 Jan 2025, 10:24 am

creativeusername18 wrote:
OP, since men are much more likely to receive an autism diagnosis than women, would there be more men in the town?

Most likely, I'm not even sure if we have any women at the movement right now. In the future we will make specific efforts to recruit women, but right now our main focus is growing and recruiting for the movement as the whole.
That sounds concerning to me.
A link has been found between men who identify as being an “incel” and being autistic, in a major study.

Incels, which is a shortening of the term “involuntarily celibate”, are generally childless men in their 20s who are hostile to women.

They were found to be up to 30 times more likely to be autistic than the general population, according to the study published by the Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE), which advises ministers.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/0 ... -celibate/

It seems like women could likely experience discrimination and much worse in such a community, especially if it’s largely reaching out to disenfranchised people online. Given that vulnerable populations are involved, it sounds like a potential legal nightmare.

I’m not saying that WP is entirely representative of autistics, but diligent modding has been crucial here over the years to keep sexism, including of the extreme variety, and incel nonsense at bay. There are obviously good men here I like and respect, but in the city you’re proposing, I think pockets of folks with harmful beliefs could band together, creating echo chambers and serious problems for the small female population, if and when you have one, because it’s not something that mods could keep in check as they can in small forums. There are more dangers offline, too.

“Devant cette nuit chargée de signes et d'étoiles, je m'ouvrais pour la première fois à la tendre indifférence du monde.” — Camus, L’étranger


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24 Jan 2025, 12:02 pm

BillyTree wrote:
There's a lot of negativity and trouble seeking expressed here in the responses to this idea of an autistic town. There are a lot of independent living autistic people in today's society that work and support themselves. Many of them are medicial doctors, policemen, architects or working in the tech business. This "autistic town" would probably not be heaven on earth but I think as an autistic you would be significantly less disabled there and be better functioning.

Why would those of us that can live largely independently want to live in an autistic city? Perhaps vacation or work in a place that's more centered on it, but there would likely be as much trouble for us as benefit and we'd be hemmed into something that was inherently unstable.


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24 Jan 2025, 12:08 pm

carlos55 wrote:
creativeusername18 wrote:
The unemployment rate isn’t solely about discrimination, nor is the suicide rate.

Not solely, but mostly, largely.

Again doesn't appear you are familiar with statistics with autism, nearly 50% of autistic adults that were diagnosed at 8 are intellectually disabled by 18 which eliminates 98% of jobs, the 2% that remain are increasingly filled by low wage immigrants and automation.

That's the starting point

Then you have the co-morbids and spiky functioning level making people ok for work Monday but not tue or maybe a whole week or more depending.

Have you ever suffered this?

This is largely why there are so many of us unemployed, why would a boss put up with someone who wasn't reliable to even turn up for work everyday?

Then there`s the errors caused by memory and ADHD co-morbids etc..and the hiring and firing that's so draining many give up, been there its hard, many retire early on welfare.

Yes and keep in mind that even those that are higher functioning often wind up getting support from NT spouses, friends and family, most of which presumably wouldn't be allowed to live there and certainly wouldn't already be living nearby.


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24 Jan 2025, 3:15 pm

Again doesn't appear you are familiar with statistics with autism, nearly 50% of autistic adults that were diagnosed at 8 are intellectually disabled by 18 which eliminates 98% of jobs, the 2% that remain are increasingly filled by low wage immigrants and automation.

Where is bro's source and how does this connect.

Well you asked for evidence

CDC Stats of 8 year olds with ASD & ID

Approximately 1/3 Of children with ASD also had intellectual disability

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/addm- ... dings.html

You`ll notice a borderline group about 23-24%

They are saying more than a third have ID with another 23.5% borderline ID. We know from other studies this 23.5% splits in half at 18 to add on to that 37.9% leaving 49.65% of autistic people with ID.

Of course confusion may lie with those who have Asperger's many who don't normally get diagnosed until after 8, so are not included here.


Autists are, on the whole, more empathetic than allists. So yes, we probably wouldn't do it completely for free, but we also wouldn't neglect other autists solely for our own gain.

I suggest putting your theory to the test & volunteer your time looking after those with profound autism for free in your spare time.

The worst that will happen is you`ll help people and may get you to realise asking people to do these things for nothing not so easy

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

- George Bernie Shaw


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24 Jan 2025, 6:55 pm

MatchboxVagabond wrote:
BillyTree wrote:
There's a lot of negativity and trouble seeking expressed here in the responses to this idea of an autistic town. There are a lot of independent living autistic people in today's society that work and support themselves. Many of them are medicial doctors, policemen, architects or working in the tech business. This "autistic town" would probably not be heaven on earth but I think as an autistic you would be significantly less disabled there and be better functioning.

Why would those of us that can live largely independently want to live in an autistic city? Perhaps vacation or work in a place that's more centered on it, but there would likely be as much trouble for us as benefit and we'd be hemmed into something that was inherently unstable.

I have lived independently, impersonating an allistic, my whole adult life so far and should an opportunity arise I would probably give it a try. I think it would be nice to live among likeminded people.

English is not my first language.


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24 Jan 2025, 7:31 pm

:?: I don't mind the idea.
I somewhat would like to try it myself if I have an option to actually migrate

And I'm fairly confident of myself in participating as such lifestyle.

BillyTree wrote:
There's a lot of negativity and trouble seeking expressed here in the responses to this idea of an autistic town. There are a lot of independent living autistic people in today's society that work and support themselves. Many of them are medicial doctors, policemen, architects or working in the tech business. This "autistic town" would probably not be heaven on earth but I think as an autistic you would be significantly less disabled there and be better functioning.

They'd assume that 'autistic population' meant 'dysfunctional' and 'will not run' (basically assume most autistics are like themselves) or basically will not run by 'real autistics' because 'real autistics' should be disabled. :roll:

Or too human/not human enough to be able to get along. Will assume un-safety and definately does involve leaving their respective comfort zones.

Invitation assumed as mandatory or a demand.

Ableist; the cut off are people without severe executive dysfunction who doesn't struggle with independence and interdependence.
This includes assumptions of supremacy and implications of separatism than a stand alone option; excluding the 'autistic majority' with 'special needs'.

Another social avenue to please and expectations. They may assume tech bros or maskers they cannot relate, fearing this is some special club and consists of worse form of ableism or disability denial.

Which is understandable, really of how it can actually fail.
Creating a diaspora-like gathering and then establishing an interdependent culture within the population's chosen place deliberately (as opposed to naturally like how immigrants gather at a certain place and establish a network system, a safer and secured space, and thus support network) is tricky by itself, and can actually take generations to establish.

Let alone with autism as a context for a network as a starting point, and then the entire aspect of actually taking over a town even if it's an empty town to be taken over by a completely new (supposedly autistic) population.

My only issue is that humans rarely ever envision something like this to happen, devote themselves into such and succeed.
And if they do succeed, that'll likelier to happen posthumously.

While I have no doubt autistic visionaries can exist, not all of them as that kind of power in practice.

As much as I like the idea, I'm not sure if there are enough autistics are inspired enough to collectively try and do it.

Thus another issue, probably the most important -- there isn't enough autistics inspired enough to be, or likely ever from the way they experienced living in this earth so far.

Autistics, within many online collectives so far; are too divided and very untrusting overall. They collectively do not have this collective self esteem and pride despite many of their claims in their beliefs around neurodiversity.

Collectively, they wanna be in; by in, meaning, living with NTs and their idea of living a fulfilling human life -- no different from disability rights integrations, not really living with other autistics.

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24 Jan 2025, 8:03 pm

BillyTree wrote:
MatchboxVagabond wrote:
BillyTree wrote:
There's a lot of negativity and trouble seeking expressed here in the responses to this idea of an autistic town. There are a lot of independent living autistic people in today's society that work and support themselves. Many of them are medicial doctors, policemen, architects or working in the tech business. This "autistic town" would probably not be heaven on earth but I think as an autistic you would be significantly less disabled there and be better functioning.

Why would those of us that can live largely independently want to live in an autistic city? Perhaps vacation or work in a place that's more centered on it, but there would likely be as much trouble for us as benefit and we'd be hemmed into something that was inherently unstable.

I have lived independently, impersonating an allistic, my whole adult life so far and should an opportunity arise I would probably give it a try. I think it would be nice to live among likeminded people.

Same here, but I don't think this makes any sense at all over less extreme options. The main issues that autistic people have are largely groupable into autism related disabilities and work/lifestyle issues from the way that society in general is organized. I don't see how really any of that would be improved by doing this in a way that wouldn't be achievable via less extreme measures like pushing for more businesses that have autism and ND friendly policies and recreational activities that are more appropriate for our needs.

I don't personally think that moving into a town where I'm suddenly going to be saddled with a bunch of challenges in helping out people with more support needs makes much sense for me. Especially when it's self-inflicted. Being part of a broader society where there's a better set of opportunities to swap strengths makes a bunch of sense.

I personally fail to see any real upside here, and a bunch of downsides. Even the folks with higher support needs would probably be better off not being in a city like that and those that are better off aren't going to be getting much that can't be obtained without moving to an autistic specific city.

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25 Jan 2025, 3:28 pm

My fantasy would be a town that caters to High Functioning Autistics. Not folk that are barely getting by but rather people who are getting by financially comfortably but find the environment around them to be non-optimum.

While I am no Elon Musk (based upon recent news: THANK GOODNESS!) I am financially comfortable. But I am unsuccessful in getting my medical providers to tailor their style to work better for me. While I managed to work my way to two retirements, my managers' style could easily have been tuned to work better while, I believe, working well with NTs, too. When I was younger, classrooms could have been better tuned for me without leaving the NTs out. I am confident stores could make me more comfortable if they gave accurate, useful information about what they were selling rather than fantasy and hyperbole, and NTs should be able to use the additional information, too.

In general, from what I've read I think a big difference between Autistics and NTs is that the NTs are more tolerant of things being inaccurate, unclear, incomplete, approximately right, and being required to do some guesswork with just about everything.

Raising standards on accuracy and completeness should work better with everyone, not just Autistics.

And I think have a large percentage of High-Functioning Autistics in a local population could enable adjustments to make things work better for Autistics without abandoning the NTs.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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27 Jan 2025, 7:25 am

Double Retired wrote:
My fantasy would be a town that caters to High Functioning Autistics. Not folk that are barely getting by but rather people who are getting by financially comfortably but find the environment around them to be non-optimum.

While I am no Elon Musk (based upon recent news: THANK GOODNESS!) I am financially comfortable. But I am unsuccessful in getting my medical providers to tailor their style to work better for me. While I managed to work my way to two retirements, my managers' style could easily have been tuned to work better while, I believe, working well with NTs, too. When I was younger, classrooms could have been better tuned for me without leaving the NTs out. I am confident stores could make me more comfortable if they gave accurate, useful information about what they were selling rather than fantasy and hyperbole, and NTs should be able to use the additional information, too.

In general, from what I've read I think a big difference between Autistics and NTs is that the NTs are more tolerant of things being inaccurate, unclear, incomplete, approximately right, and being required to do some guesswork with just about everything.

Raising standards on accuracy and completeness should work better with everyone, not just Autistics.

And I think have a large percentage of High-Functioning Autistics in a local population could enable adjustments to make things work better for Autistics without abandoning the NTs.

A town for high functioning aspies could work and I wouldn’t be against any such thing in principle.

However it would be discriminatory excluding by default for reasons I mentioned against those with higher support needs.

But as long as that was clear it would be fine.

Reminds me of the subway, not all stops have lifts and there are gaps between trains and platforms. It’s open to all but wheelchair users know that is not the case in reality.

It’s only hypocrisy that I can’t stand although that is not always our fault we didn’t write the dsm v.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

- George Bernie Shaw