KitLily wrote:
All men are different.
All people are different.
We don't need clones in this world, we need individuals. Those men you see on adverts for gyms are MODELS. They are chosen because they look unbelievably perfect and their photos are probably airbrushed anyway. Plus when they are filmed they have a team of make up artists and hairdressers making them look perfect in every shot.
My husband isn't muscular or tall, he is wiry and short. But I love HIM, I don't like people because of how they look.
^ bolding mine.
Truth. They hire people who are abnormally fit especially for those commercials, and even then they make them bulk up, diet like crazy, or other stuff just to get the job, and then comes the photoshopping to achieve this image of perfection that isn't even there. Plus they make those people stand in certain ways, use lighting to help, exhale and freeze. It's crazy, totally manipulated, fake, and so on.
They (business owners and advertising agencies) do that sort of stuff to make people watching think, wow, if I go to that gym, I can look like that to. But reality is that unless it's your job to look like that because you're a model or something, no one has the time in any day to go and workout that much, adjust their diet to that extreme and so on. Life doesn't allow that for most people. Gyms make a killing from ads like that (especially around new years eve when people do that whole new year resolution thing) but the reality is most people don't even use those gym memberships often (if at all after the first month of joining).
So yeah, the reality is that no, all men do not have to be and look muscular, because most men are not muscular and do not look that way...regardless of what ads try to tell (I mean sell) you.