companied sponsored health insurance

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14 Oct 2024, 6:18 pm

Last year, failed to apply for company sponsored health insurance for $100 month. As a result, had to get Kaiser $464/month. (I feel like a f*****g sucker.) Only earn $20 hour, s**t. That's a lot of $$$. (rolls eyes). Last year, the deadline to sign up for insurance November 22. Right now, it's over one month ahead of that time, but I am already afraid that I will fail to sign up in time again. Been looking up online, and some places it says that you can enroll @ any time, but I do not understand that, b/c last year, there was only one deadline.

Next day I am scheduled to work, I will ask the manager or the human resources when the open enrollment period will be and how to sign up.



Due to the insurance complication stated in the previous paragraph, my 2024 taxes will be harder to do than the previous years'. Now I'm worried that I will do taxes wrong. But there's nothing I can do about that right now b/c it's too early.

nervous disposition



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14 Oct 2024, 6:39 pm

At your income level you're eligible for free Obamacare no matter what state you live in.


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08 Nov 2024, 8:39 pm

bee33 ... i-Cal.aspx

says that the Medi-Cal income limit for a household of one (me) 2024: $20783

january 1, 2024 to october 27, 2024 (most recent paycheck), i earned: 20315.89

two days ago, home depot cashed out everyone's sick hours that were over a certain amount. mine was over 30 hours, at $21/hour.

plus, there's the $$$ i earn from october 27 to december 31, 2024.

last year, i barely earned too much for Medi-Cal. (government benefits). government subsidized medical insurance

this year, thus far, hours cut. i earned less this year than last year, but this year, i still have earned too much to get government benefits.

today, my sister came to my house (she lives about 15 miles away with her spouse and two kids). my sister is 45, cisgender, married to a male. she's a physician. a couple months ago, she quit her job. she said that it was because of her daughter. she didn't elaborate and i did not ask, b/c i did not want to say something wrong, and then she might overreact.

when i went on the website that home depot's flier told me to go to, it said that the cheapest insurance $495 month kaiser, but they did not know that i work @ home depot. then my sister made me dial the phone number. that was exhausting, confusing, and socially awkward. i HATE talking on the phone, esp long, business, government officials. s**t. the woman that answered asked a couple of questions and then asked me if i wanted to purchase a Medical Payment Plan and i said that the website said that that was "NOT a medical insurance." and then she asked me if there was anything else she could "help" me with. (rolls eyes). what the flying f**k? at that point, that woman had not yet "helped" me with jack s**t! (the whole medical insurance enrollment procedure is so f*****g unnecessarily confusing. i think someone should improve the enrollment procedure. just write the portal such that, the employee types in their SSN, name, and then chooses which insurance to purchase based on a list.

it was so f*****g exhausting to listen to the woman, on the phone, quickly offer me a lot of different payment plans.

plenty of precious lil "people" are much worse at computers and English than me. some of them are hard of hearing or WTF ever. how the f**k do they enroll in medical insurance?

the whole medical insurance enrollment procedure is royally f****d up and i do not understand how and why anyone designed/formatted/invented it that way, and it makes me wanna puke.

my sister told the woman on the phone that the process was "very complicated", even though my sister was a medical doctor.

thank buddha my sister talked to the woman on the phone for me.

after my sister talked to the woman on the phone, my sister told me that, every pay period, $24.60 will get deducted from my paycheck automatically and i have Aetna insurance. (right now i have kaiser).

my sister told me to do a couple more things and that if i wait until next year they will be much harder to do.

i am afraid that when i switch from Kaiser to Aetna next year, the doctor will refuse to fill out the form from work for work accommodations, and then i will get made redundant, and then end up homeless.

but what the flying f**k ever s**t. not many jobs are stable these days. plenty of people getting made redundant. costs skyrocketing. there's nothing i can do about it. plenty of people are deep in debt, earn minimum wage. what the flying f**k ever s**t.


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08 Nov 2024, 8:58 pm

Go to to apply for Obamacare. It's not government insurance like Medicaid. It just pays a subsidy for you to have private health care. If you make less than about $50,000 a year you probably don't have to pay anything for the insurance premium.


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09 Nov 2024, 10:51 pm

today i logged into the work portal and it said that i purchased a "Medical Payment Plan" (which I told the counselor that I did NOT want, b/c the website said that it was "NOT health insurance".

the work portal said that I STILL do not have medical insurance.

f**k the stupidass counselor!

maybe the counselor and my sister had a "miscommunication", but that is my fault b/c i asked my sister to talk to the counselor.

good thing i logged into the work portal. if i did not log into the work portal, then the enrollment cycle would've been over, and then i would've had to pay $500 month for kaiser, s**t!

that scared the s**t out of me!


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10 Nov 2024, 8:34 am

When I worked they often changed insurance companies.
It was a hassle to change stuff.

You can ask someone at human resources to verify that you are signed up properly.

The web sites are often confusing. Also, they use special terms or words specific for insurance industry.

Good luck.


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10 Nov 2024, 7:39 pm

After wasting a lot of time and energy stressing and worrying, I finally asked the assistant manager if someone from home Depot could sit down with me and sign me up for insurance. Not only did he say yes but I can do it while on the clock

Thank Buddha s**t

I should not have taken last Friday off work. My sick hours.

I should have known better because I have been working at home Depot for over four years and not once has anyone told me to do anything nearly as academically hard as enrolling in health insurance.

s**t I feel so stupid, like a chump or loser

But so relieved he told me that. Otherwise I would not have been able to do it myself


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10 Nov 2024, 7:53 pm

That is great news about getting help!


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13 Nov 2024, 8:28 pm

two days ago, the human resources manager told me that Home Depot does NOT offer Medical to part time, only Dental and Vision. s**t. the reason why i thought that home depot offered part time employees health insurance, is b/c it said "health benefits." but "health benefits" and "health insurance" are not the same thing. as a result, i told my sister that home depot offers part time employees medical insurance. and then my sister ended up purchasing the "medical payment plan", even tough it explicitly said "NOT health insurance". my sister is a medical doctor. how the f**k did the saleswoman trick a medical doctor into purchasing a "medical payment plan"? that's like selling ice to an Eskimo. i feel so f*****g stupid. i'm glad human resources set me straight. then i looked it up on home depot's website, and yes, it is on their website, in writing.

"communication" sounds simple and easy, but sometimes it is neither simple nor easy.

then i asked the human resources manager, where to buy the cheapest medical insurance, and wrote down her answers. then i looked up each of the answers, one by one. and it looks like the cheapest health insurance is Covered CA and i asked my sister if that's correct and she said yes. thank buddha my sister answers the email, almost always within one hour.

plenty of people are worse at english and computers at me. how do they apply for health insurance? it's so f*****g academically difficult to apply for health insurance.

plenty of customers and day laborers are not even authorized to work in the country. how do they get health insurance? how many of them do not have health insurance? how do they get prescriptions and what do they do when they get injured? day laborers regularly get into strangers' cars just because strangers promise to pay them for their work. the strangers might have felony convictions or psychiatric diagnoses. one the day laborers are in the strangers' cars, the strangers could do anything they want to them.


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14 Nov 2024, 9:33 am

a couple minutes ago, my worthless corpse just finished applying for Covered CA

congratulations to me

that took a lot of time, $$, energy,

applying for health insurance is unnecessarily academically difficult, especially since where i live, it is legally required to have health insurance


congratulations to me :D

thats my biggest accomplishment since filing taxes


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14 Nov 2024, 9:48 am

Yes, nobody offers health insurance to part time workers.
That is a big benefit that full time workers get.

Congratulations on signing up for Covered CA!


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14 Nov 2024, 7:08 pm


one hour after i submitted my Covered California application, I received a text message and email, that had the nerve to tell me that Covered CA could not enroll me, b/c I was still under Medi-Cal, and that I had to phone Medi-Cal and tell them to "release" (not "cancel") me, and then phone Covered CA again.

Medi-Cal had the nerve to put me "on hold" for forty (40) minutes, s**t. thank buddha i prepared for it, in that i had a paper and pen ready, the computer on and logged on, and et cetera. then a woman answered and asked my name and social security number and i answered. then she had the nerve to put me on hold again, s**t. then a very professional and kind woman told me a bunch of things, and asked me questions, and had a long conversation with me. she then told me that i could phone Covered CA again and beg them to enroll me.

after that I phoned covered ca. a nice woman told me that the paperwork had not been processed thus far, and i had to phone back two days later.


what the flying f**k? from 2015-november 2023, i was on Medi-Cal. october 2020, i got a job that exceeded the income limit for Medi-Cal. however, due to coronavirus, Medi-Cal allowed everyone to continue on Medi-Cal, even if they exceeded the income limit. then november 2023, Medi-Cal told me that I was not eligible for Medi-Cal anymore b/c i exceeded the income limit and that i had to apply for health insurance elsewhere. from november 2023 til now, been on kaiser.

someone on Medi-Cal's side made a clerical error, that said that I was still on Medi-Cal, when I have not been on Medi-Cal for over one f*****g year s**t.

the covered ca application, said something about, if the applicant makes false statements, the applicant is subject to $25000 fine, under penalty of "perjury". (rolls eyes).

the covered ca application had a lot of questions. some of the questions were easy to misunderstand. plenty of precious lil "people" do not speak/read english, or were careless or did not practice reading comprehension. if everyone that made false statements on Covered CA applications got sent to jail and $25000 fine, then that's hard to imagine. s**t.

meanwhile, when Medi-Cal made clerical errors, nothing happened to the employee that made the errors. i do not get an apology. certainly, that employee did not get sent to jail under penalty of "perjury".

(double standards)


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21 Nov 2024, 8:43 pm

On Monday I phoned Medi-Cal and the counselor said that I was good to go

Then I got a letter in the mail that said that my estimated 2024 income was $39000. Which scared the s**t out of me because that is not correct and that is not what I typed in the stupidass portal, s**t. It said to call them if the amount was wrong

So it took a lot of time and energy to login to the portal and it said their wrong answer. But I wrote down everything I typed into the portal and emailed it to myself and it said the correct amount s**t. I really did not want to call them but they had a disclaimer saying that if applicants are found to have made wrong statements, they are subject to $25000 fine and jail for "Perjury". (Rolls eyes)

They had the nerve to put me on hold for half an hour. One hour conversation with a counselor. She said that they got one of my checks from September and they calculated my estimated annual income from there. The amount of the check was correct but it was not a representative sample because it had a bonus amount for Success Sharing, s**t. It was really hard for me to explain that to the counselor. I can't see her screen and she can't see mine. Phone static and whatever. For all I know she could have been playing Minecraft or whatever.

Thank Buddha she finally changed my income and I logged in to the portal and the amount is correct s**t

The counselor before her said that I had to get proof of citizenship and the easiest way was a passport. Two days ago I bought passport photos. Today at the library I printed the passport application form and instructions.

I just hope neither I nor anyone else messes up, again, ............ and then I don't have health insurance s**t!


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24 Nov 2024, 7:40 pm

on friday, I received a letter from Covered CA that said that my 2024 income was different from what i reported, and that if i thought they made a mistake, i had to call them.

on saturday, i received two stupidass letters from covered ca that said that my income was two different amounts from what i reported, and that if i thought they made a mistake, i had to call them.

however, all three letters contained a disclaimer that said that the date of the letters was (11/16) and any communication after that overrode those letters. (on november 18, i received an email from covered ca that i was enrolled in kaiser insurance for year 2025 for $0 month.)

the whole health insurance BS is confusing and a nightmare to attempt to navigate through. i do not understand how so many people have insurance. plenty of precious lil "people" do not speak english or are bad at communication or WTF ever (i have to deal with them when they are customers when i am at work, s**t).

and how the f**k did my sister (a medical doctor) mistake "medical payment plan" "NOT health insurance" and she thought it was health insurance and she bought it for me?

i feel like i need someone to "help" me apply for health insurance. but even my sister could not "help" me. maybe even a case worker would not now how to "help" me.

s**t, f**k Covered CA and Medi-Cal and Kaiser!


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25 Nov 2024, 8:51 pm

today received a letter in the mail from covered ca. those ass holes had the nerve to demand proof of citizenship by february 21, 2025.

certificate of citizenship/naturalization
us passport
birth certificate and drivers license

in 2014, i gave proof of citizenship to Medi-Cal. my citizenship has not been revoked, s**t. why the f**k do i have to keep "proving" my stupidass citizenship?

i can't find my certificate of citizenship/naturalization in the briefcase.

my birth certificate is from hong kong. yes i have a driver's license.

my passport is from when i was 11 years old (41 now) and has my female name on it and "f". i asked the counselor last monday and she said that the passport has to have your current legal name on it. however, the form that covered ca mailed me did not say anything about current legal name. and i even looked up their website and it did not say anything about current legal name either. so i do not see "why" i have to jump through so many stupidass "hoops" to get a passport *when i am not leaving the country for the rest of my "life" *. waste time, $$$$ and energy.

but what the flying f**k ever. it's the retardedass government. they can do whatever the f**k they want to do, legal or illegal, and only winning a civil lawsuit will stop them. however i am so disorganized (executive functioning) and financially broke, that ain't gonna happen, s**t!

f**k Medi-Cal!

f**k Covered ca!

f**k kaiser, s**t!


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02 Dec 2024, 10:14 pm

past couple of days, i logged into covered ca portal. it no longer demands proof of citizenship. instead, it now demands proof of income. however, i already uploaded proof of income a couple of days ago, and i took a screenshot of the confirmation. but, constantly paranoid covered ca is coming up with some lamefuck reason to deny my medical insurance or some retardedass BS like that. so i was trying to upload another proof of income, but when i tried to save the paycheck, it saved in "html" format, but the portal won't take "html" documents. then tried a "html to pdf" converter, but even that BS won't take that "html" document. s**t.

meanwhile, b/c a covered ca counselor had the nerve to tell me that i needed a passport for proof of citizenship, and the passport had to have my legal current name on it (i am not even certain that that is correct) (rolls eyes), i already wasted twenty f*****g bucks on passport photos, and then 30 bucks on passport acceptance fee and 35 bucks on passport execution fee. some stupidass BS like that. s**t. and filling out the forms took a lot of time, $$$ and energy. and i phoned the passport acceptance agency 2x.


shopping for health insurance even harder than applying for school at the UC system. and there's a tax penalty for not having health insurance.

the whole health insurance system is royally f****d up, s**t!