Yes, there is a feeling in the new penis, but it needs some time until the nerves connect. On the beginning there was no feeling at all and now half of the penis has some feeling and after some more months all of it. They also connected the nerves to the clitoris and moved the clitoris in another position, so that it's possible to get an orgasm as soon as the nerves are connected well.
Well, it's possible to get an erection, but then they need to implant an erection pump.
It's very complicated everything. And now I also have a bad cold since yesterday (I was healthy all the time). So I hope I'll be healthy next week for the check up, because then I have to travel and I'll stay in another city for three days.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen