Almost everyone I have ever interacted with talks too much and too loud and enthusiastically about nothing ("paucity of content")
They act like every thought and emotion that goes through their heads is the latest greatest scientific invention. Then when I try to say the slightest thing they half listen and usually they do not
What I said
Almost everyone I have ever interacted with has really bad hearing or they just LOVE saying "huh" and "what"
If they knew they had to say "excuse me", maybe they would pay more attention
It appears that they care about a lot of people but everyone they care about is just like themselves and the relationship is a two way street
They put on smoke and mirrors about "care" , "help", "friend", "respect", but it means nothing. They are not willing to do the slightest thing for me. Meanwhile they arrogantly demand that I satisfy their every whim. Those ass holes don't even "care" enough about me to say "excuse me" instead of "what"
Even my parents, when they were alive, had the nerve to laugh at me for asking them to say "excuse me"
They have been dead ten and five years but I still think about that every stupidass day, s**t
Saying "excuse me" costs nothing but they had the nerve to refuse
Now I feel like I can't trust anyone s**t