NullPointerException wrote:
Highlander852456 wrote:
I used to go to the pub.
No relationships happened.
That being said I was not able to establish relationships at that age either, since I did not know how it works.
Highlander852456 wrote:
Also I think the pub is generally a place where lots of different people meet, so its pretty random just like anywhere else.
Having good time at some place like pub is purely random.
If by chance there are people who you can talk to and get along with, that is just random chance not a rule.
Since you never know who the people at pub are or what its like going to be its hard to say whether its good idea at all.
My experience in pub were mixed bag of good and not so good. Some of it got repetitive and boring.
So my point is if you do not go to the pub you are probably not missing out.
Plus most people go there to drink and get drunk.
Maybe it works for people whose hobby is going to the pubs and drinking ? No idea

I think there is no written formula for how to work on relationships, but I feel like I am too distant from people around me and I also don't know if thats good or bad.
And you are right maybe no one knows.
I also don't really feel like I am getting some major vibe from people just because they and I are drunk.