My vote is no. She doesn't sound angry or annoyed to me.
I think she probably just fancied staying at home with her boyfriend. People don't always feel like going out. Maybe she just wanted to relax at home.
Perhaps she was slightly irked when asked to further specify her reasoning for staying in. Since you may have unintentionally come across as a little insistent. You were simply curious to know the exact reason, but this may have come across to her as an insistence for the plan to go ahead. Perhaps she worried that there would be further questions and that you would try to convince her to come out anyway. Not that I'm saying you would, but it's possible that was on her mind.
When people cancel plans on me and say that they are staying home, I usually figure that they're just not feeling in the mood to go out and I don't pry for further information. Generally if something has happened, people will tell me in their own time.
I think the expected response to 'I'm staying in' is 'OK. No worries. Speak to you later' or something like that.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.