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08 Dec 2009, 12:11 am

Are we responsible for global warming? or is the sun?
Is the earth getting warmer? or are we headed into the next mini ice age?

honestly it could go either way based on different variables. But from what i have learned so far i would say go buy some warmer cloths.

I'll give you info on all of this and you can form your own view. please read. its no joke and is not a conspiracy. ill post as many links backing my story up as i can find.
First ill tell you what i know.

The earth temperature is effected by the sun. There is a cycle that the sun goes through in which the sun emits more solar flairs and heats up the earth. and other times when there are less solar flairs, which causes the earth to cool. depending on how littel or how much energy the sun throws out at us dictates how hot or cold the earth gets.

when the sun stops emitting any solar flairs or sun spots we get a mini ice age. much like the one seen in Europe during the 14th Century. They had very cold winters, short cool summers and the Thames river in London froze over quite often.

We are not having any sun spots/ solar flairs at the moment. and we could be headed for the next ice age.

So why all this talk of global warming? well....
If you don't know the current science on that just google it.

In a nut shell. we are making to much pollution/ green house gasses. which is creating "the green house effect". literally turning the earth into a giant green house. the heat gets in and cannot escape.

The thing is, we may, or may not be causing this heat. last time the mini ice age hit we had a global warming much like we have now. so are we the culprit or not. honestly i don't know

The media is not covering this lack of solar activity. I'm guessing its because they don't want to confuse the population when they are trying to pass laws to limit emissions. but you must be informed citizens so I'm informing you.

Only time will tell weather this warming is the result of a natural global warming and cooling caused by the sun. or whether it is man made this time.

also on another subject , when the solar flairs do pick back up, we may be in for some technical difficulties with our computers and electronics.

as promised here are the links. be sure to read about the sun cycles on the NASA link. ... arning.htm









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08 Dec 2009, 12:20 am

the documentary called the big chill is about a big ice age not a mini one. so the causes are different. i didn't watch it before posting. but i guess it is relevant too. so ill leave it.


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08 Dec 2009, 12:58 am

It just snowed 2 days ago where I am, so would think if it was truly global warming rather than seasons shifting & stuff, it would no longer snow. :? But I'm no meteorologist or anything like that... :oops:

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08 Dec 2009, 12:59 am

I don't know about an ice age, but the weather surely has changed in that last couple years. It has been all over the place as of late. Did we cause this? Probably some of it, but maybe not all of it.


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08 Dec 2009, 1:35 am

I also realise that theres something changing with the sun and that it has a lot to do with Earths weather. I wouldn't however entirely trust NASA's press realeases on what is actually happening to the sun. Their satelites seem to go offline for days without any data showing why. I also can't find the November solar AP index figures, but Octobers came out straight away. Smells like some sort of cover up to me, anyway.....

We had a heatwave in south Australia in November (spring) and now that its summer the temp is lower than average. The weather sure is crazy and the sun is behaving strangely.


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08 Dec 2009, 3:14 am

Either way, I am in favor of it. Change is good.

There is one outstanding period of climate, the last 500 years, stable, good crops year after year, nothing like it in the records. Heat, ice, 1500 year dust storms, are the normal weather.

The Government wants to take charge of the weather? That is not in the Constitution!


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08 Dec 2009, 6:36 am

We're still in an Ice Age. The large masses of ice at the poles are a dead giveaway. :wink:

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08 Dec 2009, 6:38 am

Pseudo-science alert. The stuff about sunflares popped up before a misinformation movie called "The Big Global Warming Swindle". The so-called "Scientist" who tried pushing it was laughed out of any academic setting he tried peddling it in, and the graph he tried to use to prove it was manipulated.


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08 Dec 2009, 7:20 am

just-me wrote:
The media ... I'm guessing ... they don't want to confuse the population when [others] are trying to pass laws to limit emissions.

That is the bottom line: Facts confuse agendas.

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08 Dec 2009, 9:45 am

EC wrote:
Pseudo-science alert. The stuff about sunflares popped up before a misinformation movie called "The Big Global Warming Swindle". The so-called "Scientist" who tried pushing it was laughed out of any academic setting he tried peddling it in, and the graph he tried to use to prove it was manipulated.

Funny you say that. What's too say these other scientists didn't conspire against this other scientist? There is a A LOT of money tied up in this and it's highly politicized I can see why they would.


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08 Dec 2009, 10:01 am

Global warming or not.. it's not good to live in a garbage dump. We need to learn to clean up after ourselves. Living in a toxic environment is not healthy for us or the 'little white bunny rabbits"

Air pollution is responsible for a number of heath conditions, and at times in our past was so bad it killed people.

Just look at the number of 'superfund' clean-up sites around our country to see how bad we were (and still are). Out of the 600,000+ contaminated site listed with the EPA, almost 2,000 post an immediate public risk and are scheduled for clean-up.

You mom does live here, so let's clean up after ourselves.

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08 Dec 2009, 10:41 am

Oregon wrote:
Global warming or not.. it's not good to live in a garbage dump. We need to learn to clean up after ourselves. Living in a toxic environment is not healthy for us or the 'little white bunny rabbits"

Air pollution is responsible for a number of heath conditions, and at times in our past was so bad it killed people.

Just look at the number of 'superfund' clean-up sites around our country to see how bad we were (and still are). Out of the 600,000+ contaminated site listed with the EPA, almost 2,000 post an immediate public risk and are scheduled for clean-up.

You mom does live here, so let's clean up after ourselves.

Good point., speeking of that the sun came out time to shut off the extra lights :wink:


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08 Dec 2009, 7:18 pm

Nature is self cleaning, first it will scourer the surface with a three mile thick ice brush, grind everything to powder, then melt and wash most into the oceans. Each time, three times in the last 35,000 years, a new surface of fresh ground rock ready for plants.

Out of the last 165,000 years 20,000 were warm, only 5,000 as warm as today, and you are complaining?


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08 Dec 2009, 8:09 pm

It is typical to claim that reduced temperatures in some parts of the world proves global warming wrong.
I always hated the 'global warming' name as 'climate change' is much more accurate. The average temperature rises but that carries consequences some of which are lower temperatures in some parts of the world.

I hope the audience is smart enough to recognize there is indeed a climate change. The causes and whether there is anything man can do to stop it is what is not a certain fact.



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08 Dec 2009, 10:24 pm

SilverStar wrote:
I don't know about an ice age, but the weather surely has changed in that last couple years. It has been all over the place as of late. Did we cause this? Probably some of it, but maybe not all of it.

The weather changed here in Monroe Twp. N.J. two days ago. It actually snowed in December, oh my!

It is not clear to what extent human activity has driven the recent warming epoch. That is the problem. There are other potential factors which have not been eliminated properly. Someday we will have real climate science and figure this out.



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09 Dec 2009, 6:19 am

ruveyn wrote:
Someday we will have real climate science and figure this out.

We have plenty of real climate science, it's just a bloody complicated problem. :) You can know how parts of things work in great detail but still not be able to predict the behaviour of a whole system!

I'm reasonably convinced of the evidence for our meddling causing climate problems, but I am absolutely convinced that reducing dependence on oil will be extremely beneficial to humanity as a whole, by removing money and influence from religious eejits.

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