Misslizard wrote:
What??No coon,possum,nutria rat,crawdads,armadillo,musk rat?
Nutria is utterly amazing - as long as it's well cleaned prior to skinning. I've had some that wasn't and the stench permeated into the meat, lending it a horrific taste.
In regards to the OP's post: Every one of those save for kitties (too cute and I've heard they aren't always very appetizing), dogs (I've had coyote and was less than enthusiastic about the flavor), penguins (their little tuxedos are too cute). I've already consumed snake, duck, squirrel, venison, rabbit, octopus and crocodile/alligator (in the form of jerky - not entirely sure if it was a croc or a gator; I was about eight).
EDIT: I also ate mountain lion in the form of sausages and a baked meat dish. I tasted like a combination of beef, chicken and pork (pork chop, not ham). According to those I know who have eaten (kitty) cats, the meat has a bad taste and the texture is much like chicken when done in a Crock Pot or boiled.
Last edited by CyborgUprising on 08 Jan 2013, 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.