TwilightPrincess wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Some of these would depend on what she would expect or require of me. Like I do NOT want kids & my current girlfriend kinda does. However she has various issues she's dealing with & she would rather be in a relationship with me & not have kids than trying to find a guy who wants kids with her or her being a single parent. Being open to compromise is important so none of these would be automatic deal-breakers for me unless she would require me to conform to her wants & likes.
Well put. None of them need to be dealbreakers unless the other person can't deal with compromise.
I don’t think there’s a right or wrong here. We all find different things important.
Wanting to wait until marriage
Getting drunk every weekend
Being against abortion
Wanting an open relationship
Being a lot older or younger
would ALL be dealbreakers for me.
I wouldn't like any of those either, especially the age thing which isn't on the list.
I'm not suggesting I'd put up with them or be happy.
I'd hope at least some of those could be met with compromise, or the person could change.
There might be arguments about some of those.
I'm just saying I'd have to see how some of them play out.
If they're a Buddhist-Pacifist or any other peaceful, accepting faith I'd be OK.
That is, if they don't shove it down my throat or expect me to be the same.
I know you can't change all of them, like being asexual.
There's already a dealbreakers thread somewhere else, right?
I know this one is different because of the poll.
I'm just trying to remember if we already had this topic.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.