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Before my 64th birthday I would've been offended if someone even suggested I might be Autistic. I'd seen some commercials for the movie Rain Man and I was nothing like that! But I was increasingly becoming convinced I was different from everyone else. I just didn't know what that difference was.
While I was 64 I got an odd hint to read about Autism. It seemed awfully unlikely, I was nothing like Rain Man, but because I really wanted to know how I was different, even though it seemed unlikely, I did some reading about Autism. And it sounded like me!
By my 65th birthday I had the formal diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1 (Mild), with an additional note that I also satisfied the criteria previously associated with Asperger's Syndrome. And I was delighted! It was not an answer I had anticipated but it turned out to finally be the correct answer.
And along the way I learned about Autism being a spectrum. True, I was nothing like Rain Man, I also had depressingly little in common with the folk at the other end of the spectrum. But, at least I was in good company!
When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.