role model, coworker Cortez
Cortez said that he worked at Home Depot in Customer Service and Pro Cashier for six years.
He said he worked at Cocoa Cola in the meantime.
He also said he worked at:
24 hour fitness
safeway security
He said that when he was a Truck Driver in the Army at 21, he got shot in the head and brain damage (or something like that) and he said that that is why he is so "smooth", b/c he was not supposed to survive the brain damage. Cortez is only 39 and i am 41, but he seems so much more wise and worldly than me (that's subjective). Earlier this year, cortez was out of work for a couple of months and when he got back, he said he got a heart attack. cortez worked for a couple more months at home depot. then he said he was on leave of absence and didn't find out if he still worked @ home depot until september. in september he said he didn't work at home depot anymore. last week, cortez came and said that he got heart surgery and now he works @ Gatorade.
cortez said that he got an AA in Computer Information Systems, BA and MA in Psychology. and he has gone to community college for Culinary Arts.
Cortez appears a great role model (although things not always the way they appear).
cortez has dealt with issues much worse than mine, and he's more successful than me (although that's not saying much).