Was taught hate growing up ...Was defenseless against the people that I was told were my siblings . And the pattern repeated the larger portion of my life . So am guessing Anger might be a constant companion . And on occassion it still can be ..But that is no way to live.....So the Anger gets to live a life of repression, But rather not have that stuff
residing in my head. So it is no longer in my thoughts constantly . But if I do not pay attention , these thoughts memories will sneak up on me ,if ,I am not able to sleep,on a pretty regular basis. But when you discover that a entire dept of a prosecuetors , intentionally threw a court case,involving the murder of your loved one ( husband) after demanding that we leave our home . And having already followed the advise of a equally crooked Lawyer , we ended up with.Nothing . And upon returning for his load of possesions.He is killed in three days while loading . It was a new twist on a Hate crime . Whilet I am trying to set up our new home. Guess I might have a bit if a case regarding anger issues. After all that has happened so far, am rarely surprised by things that can cause Anger.
but honestly it is still important to notice the little niceties of Life.

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are