My name is Jack, I'm a newly diagnosed autistic teen, and I'm new here.
I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (level 1) two months ago after my family and I tried to decipher my brain for eight years. I am also diagnosed with unspecified anxiety disorder, though I likely meet the criteria for generalized and social anxiety disorders despite the lack of an official evaluation.
My family realized I was a bit different when I was in first grade and sought an evaluation, upon which I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I was reevaluated in seventh grade, but although I met the diagnostic criteria for autism, I wasn't "officially" diagnosed since I was dealing with intense self-stigma around it. After a miserably lonely start to tenth grade, I was desperate for answers and asked if I could be re-evaluated. My parents tracked down the psychologist from my last evaluation, and I got slapped with the label after a short telehealth meeting.
In the past couple of months, I've had some major revelations about my social and emotional past. However, the diagnosis was no magic bullet. I'm still lonely and feel like a weirdo wherever I go. I want to just "unmask," find my true self, find my people, and live in authentic bliss. But as I'm sure we all know too well, that isn't as easy as it sounds.
Anyway, I guess I should talk about other things in this intro besides the mental health stuff. I'm currently in my sophomore year of high school, trying to maintain good grades while spicing up my experience and resume with extracurriculars. I'm passionate about the performing arts and I'm in band (string bass), choir (bass vocals), and theater at school. I love helping others, so I'm currently running an Interact (community service) Club and one day I want to be that rare, amazing teacher who bridges the gap between productivity and fun in the classroom.
Thanks for reading my ramblings, and I can't wait to connect with this community!
TL;DR: I'm a high school student trying to find a community amid mixed feelings from a recent autism diagnosis.