bubblefier wrote:
I do, but they are more like silhouettes. Recently, I saw a person moving through a window out of the corner of my eye; I looked insane.
I also get auditory hallucinations sometimes; like my mom calling my name.
Not sure why this happens I always thought because of this I was more susceptible to schizophrenia or something

A lto of weird stuff happens in the brain. Oliver Sachs' book Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain goes into a fair amount of detail on various ways in which the brain can deal with sounds improperly.
For me personally, the hallucinations went away when I started to make nice and really explore what sorts of sounds I could mentalize. Apparently, I can't visualize like anything, but I can create some pretty sophisticated sounds in my head. And if I really concentrate, I used to be able to experience them like real sounds. These days, it only happens if I get extremely stressed out and tired and am understimulated.