What are some neurotypical things that don't make sense?

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05 Jan 2025, 5:33 pm

Here is my list of neurotypical behavior/norms that make no sense:

1. It's rude to be honest supposedly, but it's acceptable to lie to someone's face.

2. Judging people for the stupidest and minor things. Examples, someone stimming or breathing.

3. Laughing at things that aren't funny.

4. Doing things in public that are clearly unacceptable but then judge someone for being "awkward". Like talking about the most disgusting things, coughing into hands, being disruptive.

5. Not getting to the f*****g point. Sometimes when neurotypicals talk, it's like a dog chasing it's tail with no points connected.

6. Talking just for the sake of talking, like breaking silence or adding unnecessary explanations. I work in retail and customers tell me about their problem for five minutes straight when it can be explained in less than a minute.

7. Not respecting personal space or boundaries. There are always people trying to get up in my space and I am clearly backing up..What part of me clearly moving away from you do you not understand? I had a customer keep walking towards me when I took six big steps from her and she kept getting in my space after I told her to move back.

utterly absurd

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05 Jan 2025, 5:40 pm

NTs are insane. I don't understand anything they do.

I'm trying not to be resentful of them but it's hard when they've totally f**ked up the world and it feels like autists are the only people who can think.

Diagnosed ASD, ADHD, Tourettes age 5
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05 Jan 2025, 6:19 pm

DancingSunflower13 wrote:

2. Judging people for the stupidest and minor things. Examples, someone stimming or breathing.

Or - my most "favorite" example - for... the sort of music one listens to 8O But for some reason, it doesn't concern books one reads nor the games one likes to play.


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05 Jan 2025, 7:02 pm

I’m not sure that I’d call those behaviors “NT things” given that not all NTs do them and some neurodivergent folks do.

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05 Jan 2025, 7:25 pm

7. Not respecting personal space or boundaries. There are always people trying to get up in my space and I am clearly backing up..What part of me clearly moving away from you do you not understand? I had a customer keep walking towards me when I took six big steps from her and she kept getting in my space after I told her to move back.

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06 Jan 2025, 3:58 am

I have theories about lots of the things that have been mentioned here even though I don't engage in those behaviours myself. I'll add a couple I don't have theories for :arrow:

:arrow: Appearing cool by pretending not to care about things but the people really who do not care are considered extremely uncool.

:arrow: Random strangers on the bus trying to initiate conversations with me a lot more often when I have my earbuds on because I'm trying to listen to music & they never ask what I'm listening to or what I'm doing on my phone. My girlfriend who's also on the spectrum initiates conversations with me more while we're out when I have my earbuds on even if she's also doing the same probably because she does not like feeling as if I'm ignoring her but I have no clue why random strangers suddenly want to talk to me when I have earbuds on but a lot less often when I don't.

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06 Jan 2025, 3:01 pm

Asking questions that have only one socially accepted answear and still feel good about the answear despite being aware of that it doesn't say anything about what the person is actually thinking . Like "Did you like the food?" or "Do I look good in this dress?" or "Do you like my new haircut?" Very few, if any, people think they get an honest answear on these questions but still get happy when they hear stuff like "Oh! I loved your food! It tasted really good! I would have eaten more of if I hadn't had a snack just an hour ago!"

English is not my first language.


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06 Jan 2025, 10:58 pm

Thinking you shouldn't be into things like cartoons, toys or E-rated games because it's not "age appropriate". If I'm not hurting anybody, why does it matter? Why should only kids get to enjoy cute and colorful things?
Most adult things are sooo boring, and it's not fair.

Not being direct. Even if they do know we need them to be direct, if we do the same thing it's rude for some reason. It always has to be this vague, mind-reader kind of nonsense.

Dressing in clothing that's uncomfortable or painful because it's fashionable. I hear mostly older people complaining that no one gets dressed up anymore. That's garbage, we should be allowed to wear what we want, as long as it's suitable for the weather and doesn't have our body parts hanging out.

And the whole lying so that your fee-fees don't get hurt thing. In fact humanity is just built on lies and makes me so angry.


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08 Jan 2025, 11:02 pm

Electing an anti-autistic sexist racist lunatic criminal for US president.