Autism Talk TV Ep. 14 – Be Different by John Elder Robison


In the latest installment of Autism Talk TV, Alex, Jack, and Kirsten talk about John Robison’s new book, Be Different: Adventures of a Free Range Aspergian. Be Different is must-read and I highly recomend ordering it on Amazon. John’s first book, an autobiography entitled Look Me in the Eye: My life with Asperger’s was an overnight success, landing itself on the New York Times bestseller list.

Unlike Look Me in the Eye, Be Different is a how-to guide aimed at teachers, parents, professionals, and individuals on the spectrum. However, you won’t be disapointed if you are hoping to read more of John’s firsthand accounts that made up the entirety of Look Me in the Eye as John uses his famous stories to illustrate points in Be Different.

Don’t forget to order Be Different from Amazon!

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