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 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Man denied heart transplant because of his autism.

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 5:25 pm 

Replies: 45
Views: 7,791 They said there would not be death panels with the new health care law. Someone on TV said its not discrimnation. How they figure that? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: So...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Is something wrong with my relationship?

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 12:35 pm 

Replies: 40
Views: 5,264

The whole situation is far from normal, but I'm gonna tell you what most likely happened: When you first meet someone, you may be attracted to them. But if you spend a lot of time around them without being physically involved, 1 of 2 things may happen: either you can become obsessed with them, or fr...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Why would you date the person above you?

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 12:20 pm 

Replies: 660
Views: 39,398

She's hot and she likes metal (I assume)

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Do you find me hot?

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 12:04 pm 

Replies: 72
Views: 7,292

Those sparkley cutglass earrings should go straight back into children's dressUp box. Uurgh!! I can't decide if this is a girl with bushy eyebrows? Or boy wearing girls clothes? Really? That's obviously a guy, and he's wearing guy's clothes. He's not even a little androgynous, though he is overly g...

 Forum: Adult Autism Issues   Topic: Advise please my wife is cheating on me.

Posted: 03 Jul 2012, 6:20 pm 

Replies: 30
Views: 434

Lawyer up, dump her ass. If you don't have kids, take everything you possibly can. Find a woman who won't pull this s**t.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Could the holocaust have been due to prohibition of cannabis

Posted: 03 Jul 2012, 6:08 pm 

Replies: 21
Views: 2,265

If you wanna get into a butterfly-effect sorta thing then sure. And it was also due to anyone who said so much as "hi" to either of his parents in the days leading up to his conception.

But for all practical purposes, no. Of course not. Don't be stupid. Next question.

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: For guys who are having zero replies on okcupid....

Posted: 03 Jul 2012, 5:53 pm 

Replies: 459
Views: 34,616

I knew putting up pictures from good angles/lighting etc. made all the difference on OKC but I always thought putting up a shirtless pic would be tacky. I think I may need to get into summer shape asap and get back on OKC. It's a little disheartening that with all the questions they make you answer ...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Contest: Who can make the most tepid Romney endorsement?

Posted: 17 May 2012, 9:32 pm 

Replies: 15
Views: 2,054

If Romney manages to beat Obama, at least he won't be the catastrophe Santorum or Cain would've been.

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: As Japan shuts down nuclear power, emissions rise

Posted: 06 May 2012, 1:18 am 

Replies: 56
Views: 5,513

If Japan can put its collective mind to expand renewable energy, it too can achieve similar levels as Germany, said Sei Kato, deputy director at Environment Ministry's Low Carbon Society Promotion Office. "We have the technological know-how. Japan can do anything Germany can," Kato said. Alas, ther...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Who do you think will win in November?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 11:56 pm 

Replies: 121
Views: 13,959

Obama will win. There will be debates, and Obama is by far the better speaker and probably the better debater, issues-wise. Romney may have a chance only if he can stop reminding people how rich and well... "aristocratic" he is. As much as Obama will get blamed for the economy, the independents (unl...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: The other side of the Trayvon Martin story...

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 2:16 am 

Replies: 199
Views: 19,833

Zimmerman followed Martin with a gun, and shot him. In what f*****g universe is that self-defense? Let me break this down: 1) Zimmerman saw Martin and watched him for some time before contact was initiated. This is not in dispute. 2) Zimmerman had a gun. This is not in dispute. 3) Martin was shot by...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: What is a good pick up line on Okcupid?

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 1:00 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 9,931

Post a decent picture and try not to say anything stupid. When I tried it, the less I had in my profile, the more I got messaged. Of course I have a tendency to ramble and rant, so that could be a factor :(

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Continually approached, but I reject everyone. Why???

Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 12:29 am 

Replies: 83
Views: 11,407

Just a shot in the dark, but I think the norm is that people are attracted to other people right away, like during their first conversation or first date. It sounds to me like it's almost necessary for you to admire a guy from afar first, which can certainly be problematic.

 Forum: Adult Autism Issues   Topic: Two worst words in the english language?

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 10:23 pm 

Replies: 124
Views: 2,153

republican candidate

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: First contact.

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 10:22 pm 

Replies: 3
Views: 888


"Resistance is futile" :twisted:

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Happy Relationship Thread

Posted: 14 Mar 2012, 9:31 pm 

Replies: 95
Views: 14,236

Been in a two-year+ relationship.. If any of you were wondering where I've been.... We have much in common: hiking, cooking, video games, music, spirituality etc.. etc.. It's not that hard folks, if I can do it you most certainly can! And did I mention he's cute!! ! Well I wondered what happened to...
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