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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Mar 2024, 11:25 am

I pose that Kinder Eggs, specifically the little plastic doodads contained inside, are priming children to be future consumers of junk. The slew of items being needlessly being produced worldwide are as much of a problem for the environment as our enduring landscaping of the planet. There is obviously a lot of plastic in the ocean already, some companies do not need a team of scientists to improve their product for the benefit of consumers and life on Earth. Stop putting so much poison in their products. And some of these companies have been benefitting from these practices for a very long time now and it needs to stop. But it won’t just happen. There needs to be legislation forcing companies to ask, ‘how can our products be better for the environment?’. In the case of Kinder Eggs, they could put plant seeds in that originate from the area where the item is consumed. Different plants, then it still feeds their desire to elicit random reward response by having a ‘surprise’. And the kids can go out, plant the seeds, and it might be good for them and the environment. They could have a little piece of paper inside detailing how much plastic they disseminated into our environment before they changed, and as time went on update them to include how many tons of plastic waste had been stopped by consumers willingness to change. Too much? How about tiny little models made from paper or card.

I just mentioned LLMs for the spiders, like a shameless Youtube ‘creator’. Oh look, I created something, that means I deserve money. Is it ‘good’ what I created? It does not matter, it just matters that it is consumed.

The internet should never have been open.

Yours shamelessly,



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04 Mar 2024, 12:03 pm

That will never work because planting seeds is boring and and getting toy prizes is not. Then the Kinder company will lose a ton of money because kids and their parents will stop buying the eggs.

Happy Meal toys have gotten really awful lately. At the McDonald's at Walmart, right now they have Sonic the Hedgehog "toys" made out of cardboard. Seriously, cardboard? Which will get greasy from the food in the same box it's packed in? It's almost as bad as those E.T. posters they came out with in the 80s.

But I do find it more hilarious that Kinder Eggs with prizes located inside the chocolate (not the Joy Eggs) are banned in the USA because they're seen as unsafe for children, but not guns.


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04 Mar 2024, 12:07 pm

Unless there is more money to be made, the question of how do we make toys better for the environment is a non-issue.

As to useless plastic ending up in the ocean - 98% of the plastic that ends up in the ocean is fishing nets. not children's toys. if you want to have a real impact on the environment stop the big 6 multi-national corporations from producing greenhouse gasses, and close down all commercial fishing.

Nothing anyone done at the consumer level is ever going to have a statistically significant impact on the environment.

As to kinder eggs, they aren't sold with plastic toys in them anywhere outside of the EU because of the choking hazard (the current laws in the US and elsewhere don't allow for anything non-edible to be inside of a food product of any sort