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30 Aug 2009, 8:05 am

Doctor Who viewers, what are your favorite silly moments in the show? Here are some of mine...

-Kung Fu Myrka - Warriors of the Deep
-Waiting For Nimon ("Lord Nimon... Lord Niiiimonnnn...") - The Horns of Nimon
-the ballet-dancing Cybermen - The Wheel in Space
-the Doctor's facial expression when he got knocked out by Silurians - Doctor Who and the Silurians
-"Get-ting-a-bit-rough-is-it?" - Attack of the Cybermen
-just about everything - Revenge of the Cybermen

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30 Aug 2009, 9:21 am

The Third Doctor gurning while wrestling the Nestene tentacle - Spearhead from Space
The Seventh Doctor, upside down on a sofa - Survival
Ace, giving the game away to the possessed Sorin - The Curse of Fenric
Nyssa's skirt - Terminus
The Third Doctor and Sergeant Benton fighting the giant maggots, and that fly - The Green Death
Romana's regeneration game - Destiny of the Daleks

K9 and Company (the idea worked MUCH better in Hot Fuzz!)

And for the unintentional joke... the Brigadier, looking at a CSO (colour separation overlay, or chromakey - often shortened to chroma) matte of a beach and declaring "It looks like Cromer to me" in The Three Doctors.

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30 Aug 2009, 7:56 pm

Oh... in just two posts you wiped out most of the best ...
so here's some of the rest... one from each doctor... (except I got carried away with Colin).

They're silly but I'd never accept losing them.

The cup of Cocoa in The Aztecs
Patrick Troughton being shot in the ass during the invasion.
Jo Grant's explosive introduction (Terror of the Autons)
Tom Baker pretending to be possessed by the key to time
Peter Davison's bad breath gags during Warriors of the Deep
Colin Baker's Umbrella trick during the stoning (Mysterious Planet)
(and the guys who run out of nowhere in nappies in Vengeance on Varos).
(and the sock puppet, erm... bandrils)
the master and the rani's tree's .... peri's yellow outift
heck... most of Colin Baker's stuff.
Sylvester McCoy's facial expressions in Ghost Light
(and the lawnmower scene with Andred in Battlefield).
Almost the entire cringeworthy McGann TV Movie... but especially Bruce's line about the asian child.
The Ninth Doctor Juggling in Rose
The Tenth Doctor with his 3D glasses.

Maybe we should do a youtube video thread with some of these moments ?


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31 Aug 2009, 7:27 am

This scene from Revelation of the Daleks is kind of silly, because the Daleks somehow manage to keep "missing" when they're only like 5 feet away from each other.


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31 Aug 2009, 4:39 pm

Truly one of the "rudest" moments in the history of the Series. Tom Baker playing with the creature from the Pit's erm... thing.



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31 Aug 2009, 6:09 pm

gbollard wrote:
Patrick Troughton being shot in the ass during the invasion.

You....*beep*! That was one I was going to name! The way he holds his arse like as if it was on fire! That's major comedy material. Couldn't find it on YouTube, though...

Silly moments? Well, this entire scene, really, from City of Death.


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04 Sep 2009, 6:10 pm

most of the Chase especially Hartnell versus his incredible non identical robot double.
Pertwee trying to escape with the Tardis console and landing in the local tip at the end of the otherwise (mostly) brilliant Inferno + the similar ending of The Claws Axos with him joking about being an intergalactic yo-yo.


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06 Sep 2009, 12:51 am

I finally found a YouTube vid of the Kung Fu Myrka scene... :lmao:


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06 Sep 2009, 5:41 pm

Having failed to find "If you're the superior race of the universe..." clip, I found this one instead from Destiny of the Daleks...


...and while not silly, I found this sequence from Revelation of the Daleks to be funny, in a sardonic manner, because of the lines, particularly towards the end...


"But did you bother to tell anyone that they might be eating their own relatives?"

"Certainly not! That would have created what I believe is termed... "consumer resistance"."

I swear, Revelation of the Daleks is the best Colin Baker story... :)

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