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07 Feb 2012, 4:59 pm

Let me start by saying In Time is one of the worst films I've seen in a VERY long time. I mean seriously, the acting by everybody was terrible, (with the exception of the always great Cillian Murphy who I have no idea why he's in this travesty of a film) and I can't for the life of me fathom why they still cast Amanda Seyfried and Alex Pettefyr in movies, they have to be the single worst actors/actresses in the business today and yet for some odd reason they still keep getting cast in everything. The films concept while cool was executed terribly, while the concept it's self was intriguing and damn cool it was never fleshed upon enough and parts of it were straight up ret*d and illogical, now see I have no issue with films not explaining certain things for ambiguity purposes, that's a huge part of Sci-Fi. But when something that isn't explained or that doesn't really make sense when you think about it actually hinders the enjoyment of a film then it's wrong, ambiguity in sci-fi films (and film in general) should be used to enhance the world the film is in and/or allow you to possibly ponder what the film may have meant and etc. yet it isn't done effectively at all here. hell there also wasn't even anything to ponder about as the film quickly turns into a generic chase movie that is simultaneously beating you over and over with it's ret*d and stupid fiscally liberal message of why the rich are bad and how the poor need help, as a fiscal conservative I find this kind of message ridiculous (I think Occupy Wall Street is the most illogical thing ever and anyone who is involved or supports it is a complete idiot). It's obvious the wealthy people in this movie worked hard the money (Time) they earned, and the poor people in the ghetto who don't have any money (Time) don't try to do anything to better their lives, instead of living day by day like they do (and people in real ghetto's or poor areas do) they should try and live in a way to help benefit themselves, maybe try and stop living their harmful daily routine and try and make some money and make a difference in society, the film unintentionally paints the heroes as idiots plotting to destroy the economy because they are too stupid to do anything effective with their lives. It's also odd how the heroes paint the rich in such a terrible light and act like it's not their fault that they are poor when it clearly shows by Cillian Murphy's timekeeper cop guy who lived in the ghetto and worked hard to get out and become some worthy of respect, it completely throws the film on it's ass and sometimes makes me wonder if the film is a parody of the fiscally liberal. But then I get back to the movie and how stupid it is and realize that it couldn't be the case as the film is so full of plot holes filled with more plot holes, horrendous performances, a generic and stupid storyline that is all over the place, a ridiculous forced romance, constant logical fallacies, TERRIBLE dialogue that is worse than a stoned George Lucas in 10 years when he decides to release Episode 1 in smell-o-vision, 1 dimensional characters with absolutely zero character development, and the overlying "RICH PEOPLE ARE MEAN BOOHOO!" message that the film keeps beating us with that the people who made this film weren't intelligent enough to even think about making the film a parody of the socialists who want to destroy our economy, hell they couldn't even display their own message without making it look stupid. I also can't help but bring up how unoriginal the film is by having the mystery of Justin Timberlakes father apparently dying doing something important or possibly having been someone important but of course they never even tell us what he did or what he was important other then vaguely mentioning he was just a stupid Occupier like Justin Timberlake. It really added nothing to the story and I don't know how it didn't end up on the cutting room floor.

In conclusion; the film In Time is a mess and I don't recommend it to anybody. While the concept of the film in general is interesting, it sadly is not done well and full on s**t upon. The film is completely devoid of logic, and is full of terrible performances, and cliched plot devices. It's a bad movie made worse by the obvious (and stupid) message that the film is trying to beat your over the head with a hammer with.


Last edited by Xenu on 07 Feb 2012, 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Feb 2012, 5:09 pm



The movie sucks. So did Source Code...