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Double Retired

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01 Feb 2024, 4:01 pm

Congratulations...mostly. I hope the water bill resolves itself OK, it sounds like something the seller was supposed to disclose.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
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01 Feb 2024, 5:11 pm

That's great news that your closing day came and went with (few) hiccups.


I'm sure the $1500 will get sorted one way or the other.
Another option is to subtract it from what you pay him for the house.

It's too bad he's being an ahole about it though.

What kind of curtains are you thinking?

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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02 Feb 2024, 12:24 pm

I'm sure the $1500 will get sorted one way or the other.
Another option is to subtract it from what you pay him for the house.

That was what the title company tried to do. But he wouldn't agree to it, so we had to either scrap the deal, or do the addendum to give him time to fight with the water dept. :roll:
What kind of curtains are you thinking?

For now I'm just going to use as many of my curtains as I can from the old place; just to get things covered while I move in.

That means largely soft greens.

I've wasted a lot of time, when I should have been doing something else, thinking about how to decorate, but haven't been able to come to any firm decisions.

It's not like I have a million bucks to go nuts, but I want a plan, a wish list, and some incremental progress.

Hopefully, when the old place is sold I'll have a little wad to play with.

I've got a notebook with sections on repair, decorating, landscaping, and other projects tabbed out so I can keep ideas and schedules organized.

I'm a note-taker. Very pen & paper in spite of my happy access to tech. :D

When the Cylons attack, I'll be able to go offline. :lol:

(The new yard is VERY small, but I want some fruit trees. I found these columnar fruit trees that are very compact. My dream is to have apple, cherry, & peach. It's said that they can actually produce fruit the first year. Every time I go to the new place I stand there and think of where they could go. :D )

Moving is going to take up all this month, for sure.

I ran out of steam last night, so I still have lock things to do, as well as taking down curtains & rods, and transferring them to the new place, giving the place a once-over cleaning, and getting rid of clutter seller was supposed to clear out, but didn't.

It's 120 miles round trip, and I'll be going back and forth for quite awhile.

I also still have so much stuff to get rid of at the old place. :P

It doesn't help that I stopped working years ago because of Chronic Fatigue, but all I can do is try!!

This is all being force-marched because of my jerk ex and the terms of divorce.

I am incredibly grateful to my penultimate son, who actually made it possible. Really. He has saved both me and his disabled younger brother whom I care for.

The house does have charm, and I am very lucky to have it.

So, I am trying to keep a positive, going-forward mindset. But it IS a lot of work, expense, and figuring out how to be comfortable in a new area.

I'm still stationed in the old place. Hopefully Monday I'll have a truck and move the "big" things.

Then, I'll be stationed in the new place and driving back and forth to finish moving and dealing with what needs to be done back here.

There are some things I do need to buy now, but mostly I'll be lucky to re-focus on "decor" issues sometime in March.

One of my myriad little mysteries/tasks is where the mail goes. The previous owner sealed off the mail slot by the door, and there isn't any other official looking mail receptical.

We found the slot opening under a diy address plaque, but the cover is missing.

I need to make sure I'm allowed to use it, and if so, buy a new cover and get it on there before mail comes.

I've never had a mail slot before.

I hope I can use it, because I like the idea of my mail going straight into a basket in my foyer closet. :D

Handy for collecting it in your jammies on a cold day.

The house was built in 1928, and I have a library book on this style of house that shows an ad for the "Mail-O" modern way to get your mail, from that era. It looks just like what is installed. :lol:

I'm going to print it out and hang it next to the inside slot.

Another little detail I need to iron out is that the USPS has the street name misspelled.

This caused no end of trouble with legal documents, because the mortgage company has to use the USPS data base for any houses it finances.

I was a real pain about it, and thankfully the title company managed to get the official documents corrected.

It was also a pain when I was setting up utilities.

Some places made me spell it one way (to accept the address) some the other.

I have no idea why the rest of the people on this street have let this go all these years, but I'm here now. :twisted:

I better get my screw driver and take down some more rods. Thankfully I use a lot of drapery layers so there will still be curtains here, too. :P

Thank you for caring, Isabella! Talk to you soon!

In destinies sad or merry, true men can but try.
~Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

jimmy m

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04 Feb 2024, 11:57 am

Charlemania wrote:
I can sleep on ten layers of mattresses and tell if something is buried on the bottom layer.

Absolutely jimmy m! I don't even need a saboteur pea. A fold of fabric, a sock, a bit of elastic...who can sleep with this torture??? It all must go! :lol:

All Aspies have different traits. These are bits and pieces (located on the right half of our physical brain) that is not discarded into the rubbish pile when we complete the transformation from childhood to adulthood. This normally occurs around the age of 11 or 12 years old.

But if you look at Aspies, each has their own set of unusual quirks. Some of these quirks are bad and some good. But sometimes you can use these unusual quirks to your advantage.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
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06 Feb 2024, 12:57 am

Welcome to WP :salut:

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?