Freaked out on a University trip...

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17 Oct 2018, 9:25 pm

So, I've lived away from home for a few weeks now. There's been a mixture of positives and negatives. I like it here, although admittedly I feel homesick now and then. Visiting my parents always feels quite strange, my room looks so bare and lacking in personality that it feels as though I am in a hotel whenever I stay. Being a guest in your own home is rather bizarre.

The lowest point of my University experience so far was when I got overwhelmed on a trip and ended up crying in a toilet stall. I think my tutor heard me because when she went to check on me I'd only just stopped crying. The sore eyes would've given it away anyway, even if she didn't. I'd hoped that no one would see me in such a state, I tried my best to keep my calm but I just couldn't do it. The lights, the music...the smells, the chattering, I was too much. I couldn't stay with the others, kept swaying in my chair and I just felt so uncomfortable. My teachers were concerned and wanted to know what was wrong, but I didn't know what to say. In the end they just put it down to tiredness, but informed me that I could confide in them if something was bothering me. These moments...I hate when they happen. :x

Even afterwards I felt on-edge, there was this exhaustion that weighed me down and I started acting strange. My roommates noticed this when I sat in the kitchen in the dark, and also when I snapped at people in frustration even though I didn't mean it. At one point I stormed out the room, leaving my meal in the kitchen. My best friend explained my behaviour to the rest of my flatmates, and I certainly appreciate that. He also brought me my food and asked if I'd been crying again. I admitted that I had, and he put on one of my favourite songs. Then he made sure that I was comfortable and then left me to recharge alone. I guess once you get to know me I really am that predictable. :D

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18 Oct 2018, 8:17 am

Poor kid (an affectionate term akin to “Buddy.”

I’m sorry you had to go through this.

But you prevailed, my friend.

How are your classes?


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18 Oct 2018, 9:22 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
Poor kid (an affectionate term akin to “Buddy.”

I’m sorry you had to go through this.

But you prevailed, my friend.

How are your classes?

They vary, it can be hard to keep up sometimes, but at least we have a few days where we can practice using various programs. I'm not looking forward to the coding section of my assignment. Currently I have four modules that I'm working on. I have a lot to learn for the documentary production and VR (Virtual Reality) design part. The mobile app creation has been easier because I've done more work in that area before. We've started to use a different 3D modelling software that varies a bit from the one I'm used to, but with a bit of practice I should be able to get the hang of all the program tools.

I'm looking forward to using the video editing software, and also an upcoming module on digital interactive storytelling. My coursework is quite general (over the course we are given the chance to specialise into our chosen area though) so we cover quite a few things, but unfortunately that does mean more work which can be a bit daunting at times. 8O Still, it's all worth it for the final product. I've been working on my drawing skills outside of class in the hopes that when we get more into the animation section of the course I'll be able to make better designs for it.

Support human artists! Do not let the craft die.

25. Near the spectrum but not on it.

Last edited by Lost_dragon on 18 Oct 2018, 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Oct 2018, 9:29 am

I'm sorry that happened to you and I can understand being overwhelmed with an onslaught of multi-sensory stimuli like you experienced.

Wow, what a great friend you have in that person that knows you well enough and is caring enough not only to put a soothing and familiar song on for you but even more so, knowing to leave the room and let you decompress and recharge in peace and solitude. He sounds like a very nice person.

I congratulate you for going to University. Don't give up on it!


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18 Oct 2018, 9:43 am

Magna wrote:
I'm sorry that happened to you and I can understand being overwhelmed with an onslaught of multi-sensory stimuli like you experienced.

*Sigh* Yeah, unfortunately it just seems to be a part of life for me. The rest of the trip was alright though. :) I went to an escape room, we had to solve puzzles and we had the combination and were just about to enter it in when we ran out of time. We were mere seconds away from passing but alas, we failed.

Magna wrote:
Wow, what a great friend you have in that person that knows you well enough and is caring enough not only to put a soothing and familiar song on for you but even more so, knowing to leave the room and let you decompress and recharge in peace and solitude. He sounds like a very nice person.

I am fortunate to have him as a friend. We've known each other for about three years, and since this has happened before he's quite used to it by now.

Magna wrote:
I congratulate you for going to University. Don't give up on it!

Thank you. :)

Support human artists! Do not let the craft die.

25. Near the spectrum but not on it.