Well, getting this off my chest. -Employers-

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Jun 2023, 12:55 pm

I'm sure some of you will understand...

Jobs (like mine) seem to NOT respect Work/Life balance. Which leads to employee burnout
it's absolutely silly to me that most jobs seem to demand the UTMOST loyalty/work ethic while offering nothing worthwhile in return (aside for wages that never keep up with living)

We're not gonna argue about Supply/Demand/Wages on this thread, I'll save that for another time.

So far- - I'm on my off day(s), and they call me in ALL the time, which is really irking my nerves, this just means I need to persevere on and get a new job, cause this one has used up the last of my patience. I've told them call me in ADVANCE if they NEED me, I did NOT agree to be an on call, Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card (and my salary CERTAINLY isn't enough for that). I think by next month, I'm going to start putting my foot down with this.

Here's hoping i can get on from this place and find a new job by the end of this year.

[If you're wondering why i don't just quit right now, I'm saving money to be able to hold my financial obligations down til i can find another job once i quit this one. I suppose "Reserve Funds/Rainy Day Fund" is accurate]

Needless to say, I think EVERYONE knows how difficult it is to land a job (that is worth your time), let alone a CAREER that pays a livable salary.

What have been your experiences, everyone?


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24 Jun 2023, 2:58 pm

I find when working extra hours beyond what I am scheduled for, they tend to push back a little when you say "no", especially after starting a new job. Otherwise, I also find the pressure against saying "no" tends to be higher against the employees who are more productive than most, or seem to care more than most.

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24 Jun 2023, 4:02 pm

Don't answer calls from them when you're on a day off. Problem solved.

They act like exploiting you is doing you a favour, so never fail to remind them that you just showing up is doing them a favour.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Jun 2023, 12:05 am

What industry do you work in if you don't mind me asking?

A professional at having experienced many short-lived partings.


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29 Jun 2023, 12:11 am

I had the same problem, but only when working in retail during college.

Once I entered the world of degreed professionals, that kind of treatment happened to me very rarely.

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01 Jul 2023, 4:26 pm

Beware of retaliation against you for putting your foot down. In some sectors they will reduce your hours or quiet fire you. I racked up OT in a work environment in which it was optional, probably because they knew most of the employees were unruly, commuted long distance and the place ran 24/7; if the latter had not been the case we all would have likely been on-call.


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01 Jul 2023, 4:36 pm

Your work life balance is not your employers responsibility, its yours. If you don't care enough for your own well-being to set firm boundaries, why should anyone else?


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03 Jul 2023, 4:04 pm

1. It's 2023, do you not have caller ID on your phone? :? When they call on your day off, don't answer - it's your day off and you're unavailable for work or work related things. It really is that simple. You're not obligated to answer their calls or listen to their requests or respond to them.

2. If you really want an opportunity for a better paying job or career type role, chances are you'll have to adjust your approach to work/life & availability. People who "make it," generally are willing to put in extra time and work to make it happen. You MIGHT luck out and find something you can excel at and enjoy that pays well without putting in more than full time hours, but that is not the norm - or at least hasn't been historically and isn't likely to be moving forward, either.. unless your skill set is so specialized and valuable to the economy and a firm that they have no negotiating power and you're able to dictate that you're to be paid well and work no more than 40h/week. But that is exceedingly rare.

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