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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Jan 2013, 10:31 pm

'm 27 and I live at home. I hate it. I've been trying for two years to find work. I have a masters degree, but always fail in the interview. I want to move out but seriously can't afford to.
My father is supportive, but we fight a hell of a lot. He thinks I don't want a job, aren't trying hard enough to find one, happy to live on benefits forever, etc. When the complete opposite is true. I'm ashamed to be living on benefits, I want desperately to have my independence, but right now it's just not happening and my situation at the moment is not a good one.

Emu Egg
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09 Jan 2013, 7:41 pm

I'm 24 and still live with family, and I've been pretty miserable. Unemployed for about two years, don't know how to drive, wasted my life doing nothing after graduating high school almost six years ago. I really hope I can get the drive to become independent this year so i can move on with my life.


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09 Jan 2013, 11:51 pm

29 and I've been living at home since I got out of college. I don't have high prospects for getting out on my own in my 30s. My current job doesn't pay enough to be able to do much. I am lucky if I can get $10,000 for working an entire year but due to my spending that hasn't been the case (or even close to it).


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10 Jan 2013, 1:51 am

My situation is odd. I was supposed to graduate from college last May, but didn't get the work done that I needed to for my senior paper and a paper for another class. I finished everything last October, most of which was done over a long distance form home over 10 hours away. I was supposed to get my diploma last month, but didn't. Maybe they'll send it when the school is done with Christmas Break.

Even if I had my B.A. I wouldn't be going into the job that I was planning on doing. So I'll have to come up with a different career direction. In the mean time I'm at home at 24. I have a fear of driving and I haven't driven in years. I was diagnosed with ASD last month and I've had depression for over 3 years which has been situational not chemical.


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11 Jan 2013, 9:26 pm

Adam82 wrote:
It seems even for Aspies, I am one of the few who is still living with parents. Moving out seems a very daunting step for me to take. I can't function all that well on my own. I can't really afford to move (renting is very expensive here in Australia), and I am not in full time work at the moment, and haven't been in months.

I find it hard to hold down a job, I often get fired pretty quickly. I have a masters degree, but limited job experience. My parents nag me to move out, a lot, but I can't afford to.

This makes it very hard to make friends, and makes getting a girlfriend practically impossible (never had one of those either).

I am the typical 30 y.o nerd still living in his parents basement. I didn't expect my life to end up this way.

Technically, I still live at home (and I am about 24.5 years old right now). But I am the one who is taking care of my elderly dad (he's 69 years old btw) with a heart condition (instead of the other way around). In addition, I can do many things for myself (i.e. my personal hygiene, go to the store, do my own laundry, clean the house, make my own meals, pay the house bills, etc.) My mom left me when I was only 7, so it's just my dad and I living in the house in terms of people. The current owner of the house doesn't live at my house. Right now, I am trying to find a job (as well as complete my graduate school studies) that will pay well enough that, at some point, I can either buy the house from the current owner and move dad to a much more relaxing place near my sister's house in Chesapeake [so that his grandkids can see him more often since they're lucky that they even see him once every several months] or move out and buy my own place (which ever one comes first).


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14 Feb 2013, 3:50 am

chssmstrjk wrote:
Adam82 wrote:
It seems even for Aspies, I am one of the few who is still living with parents. Moving out seems a very daunting step for me to take. I can't function all that well on my own. I can't really afford to move (renting is very expensive here in Australia), and I am not in full time work at the moment, and haven't been in months.

I find it hard to hold down a job, I often get fired pretty quickly. I have a masters degree, but limited job experience. My parents nag me to move out, a lot, but I can't afford to.

This makes it very hard to make friends, and makes getting a girlfriend practically impossible (never had one of those either).

I am the typical 30 y.o nerd still living in his parents basement. I didn't expect my life to end up this way.

Technically, I still live at home (and I am about 24.5 years old right now). But I am the one who is taking care of my elderly dad (he's 69 years old btw) with a heart condition (instead of the other way around). In addition, I can do many things for myself (i.e. my personal hygiene, go to the store, do my own laundry, clean the house, make my own meals, pay the house bills, etc.) My mom left me when I was only 7, so it's just my dad and I living in the house in terms of people. The current owner of the house doesn't live at my house. Right now, I am trying to find a job (as well as complete my graduate school studies) that will pay well enough that, at some point, I can either buy the house from the current owner and move dad to a much more relaxing place near my sister's house in Chesapeake [so that his grandkids can see him more often since they're lucky that they even see him once every several months] or move out and buy my own place (which ever one comes first).

Small world chss, I live in Chesapeake (Great Bridge) with my parents right now, it's relaxing enough I guess but pretty boring.. I graduated from UVA 2 years ago, I've worked temp jobs mostly since, got hired by one company last year but the bullying wore me down and killed my soul for awhile. Tried moving to DC in October since my degree is in Politics (really wished I would have picked a different major..long story) but it went pretty badly and I moved back home in December. Cant decide whether to settle in a min wage situation again or to look harder for something better, I'm pretty depressed right now my anxiety and insecurities make it hard for me to take initiative and my ego's so fragile I hate calling places and getting rejected. Getting stir crazy at home though I need to find something soon....sigh...

Emu Egg
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15 Feb 2013, 8:53 pm

I'm 33 and live on my own, but I hate it and wish I could move back with my parents. I just can't take the nagging and the constant "I wish you would be more like your sister" comments. I can barely keep down a job. I've had about 10 different jobs in 15 years (I quit for various reasons) and I've finally discovered what I like doing.....nothing. There is no job that I like. I finally found a job where I can retire with a pension at 44, so I'm just roughing it until then.


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16 Feb 2013, 5:52 pm

I am 30 years old an autistic and I still live with my parents. The reason I still live with them is that I cannot find a job so I cannot afford my own place to live. I've been having a lot of trouble finding a job so I don't expect my situation to change anytime soon.


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25 Feb 2013, 6:57 pm

My dad just sold the family homestead after 27 years; the closing's tomorrow. I swallowed my pride and agreed to move into my brother's house clear on the other side of the state (with my sis-in-law, their 3 kids, and my sis-in-law's mom) when he offered, because it's miles better than homelessness, imho.

I never thought I'd find myself in this predicament at my age. I've got a BA from USC; I lived in Los Angeles 3 times; I lived in Chicago for nearly 9 years, where I actually held a couple of "real," salaried jobs at one point... I had my own little, crappy flat, paid my own bills, and had some sort of sad semblance of a life (by my Aspie standards, anyway).

I moved back to CT after my mom died, which is when my life really fell apart. She was my reason for living. Since late November 2006, I've been trying to find a good reason to bother going on. I feel like I'm just going through the motions, at this point. There's not much that I care about (not that there was when Mom was alive), and I can't self-motivate, so the last 5 or so years have been an utter disaster.

I've been fantasizing about going back to uni for a grad degree, but my hopes have been dashed, at least for now, as I lack the requisite academic background for my intended major and would probably have to start all over again. Right now, I'm frantically scouring Craigslist and other (shite) sources for pretty much anything that'll pay above the state's minimum wage, because I need to find another job ASAP.

Downward spiral much? :evil: :cry: :roll:

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28 Feb 2013, 7:32 am

I am still in college, and before my engineering studies, I dropped out of my economics studies. Thus, I can't get a student mortgage and with the rental prices in norway (1500 dollars ++) for a single bedroom apartment, I'm forced to live at home until I finish my degree.

Emu Egg
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28 Feb 2013, 1:45 pm

I am living with my mother as my parents are divorced. I am also taking care of her as she is disabled like me. I am having an unfortunate time though juggling between finding a job and taking care of her.

Being unemployed messes with your mind. Some days I just wanna end it. In DBT and all sorts of medical treatment but the pain of feeling lost and lonely feels like I'm in purgatory already.

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28 Feb 2013, 4:36 pm

Strigon wrote:
I am living with my mother as my parents are divorced. I am also taking care of her as she is disabled like me. I am having an unfortunate time though juggling between finding a job and taking care of her.

Being unemployed messes with your mind. Some days I just wanna end it. In DBT and all sorts of medical treatment but the pain of feeling lost and lonely feels like I'm in purgatory already.

I live at home too, same situation although Mom is just retired. As to the employment situation and so on, I know what it is like too and I understand your thoughts and feelings and that you're not alone.


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18 Mar 2013, 7:49 pm

I offcialy moved out when I turned 30 in November. I was only able to move out because I was able to move in with my girlfriend. I haven't worked in like 5 years due to disabilities & I'm dependent in ways other than financial partly due to my disabilities & Aspergers. I do have an income because I'm on disability & I would like to get a job at some point but I don't think I would ever be independent enough to live alone if something were to happen to my girlfriend.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Mar 2013, 11:00 pm

Yes, but I live in an expensive city so it's pretty common. All my "normal" friends my age are still at home. I pay all my own bills aside from rent (parents think it's best to save it for a down payment) so I'm pretty much self-sufficient.

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21 Mar 2013, 2:28 am

I'm not in any position to move out anytime soon. I live in Sydney.


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02 Apr 2013, 11:37 am

I'm still living at home as well. It stinks, but as I have no money to move out, I'm making the best of it.